Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Underdog Status

The Ghost has made his first post to the Go Zone, and for that we thank him. Too bad is was a complaint, but beggers can't be choosey. He states, wildly after the fact, that the Pack shouldn't have had underdog status since, he says, they were at one time favored in the game, and were a pick at the start of the game.

While this may all be true, it is interesting that he did not make a point of this until after he lost that game and it added points to his opponents' scores. It is a self-serving complaint and one that is in error.

Last Tuedsay when the Picks Chart was created, the Packers were a one-point underdog. If they went to a two point favorite and then to a pick 'em is neither here nor there. The underdog status is assigned at the time of the Picks Chart creation and that is what is used by all league members by which to make their picks. If the underdog status were to change willy nilly throughout the week, new picks would have to be made for each new underdog status change.

If they were or were not official underdog's at the beginning of the game is unimportant. What is important is that everyone had the same information to inform their picks since Tuesday.

It might come as a surprise to the Ghost that he had from Tuesday through Saturday to make his picks, as apparently he thought the only time he could make a pick was 4 minutes before the first game on Saturday.