Monday, January 11, 2016

Proposed rules changes

OK, I'll give the ghost this one.  He pushed the rule to the limit and limped across the finish line by a nose.

Commish, I propose three things:

1.  During the regular season - the picks chart should not be published (or otherwise divulged) until after kickoff of (1) the Thursday night game;  (2) the first game of the weekend,  (after which no changes may be made to a member's weekend picks,) and (3) the Monday night game.

Interpretation:  This means the picks must be published three times, Thursday, first game of the weekend, & Monday.  

2.  During the playoffs, the following applies:

The picks chart is not to be posted until after kickoff of Saturday's first game, and no change in picks is allowed for that day.  The same applies for Sunday's games.

This will eliminate the need for the Commish to remain sober be available for calls or otherwise accept pick changes prior to kickoff of each individual game.

3.  All picks or changes must be in 15 minutes prior to the scheduled (published) start of each day's games.

I know, I know, this means we are putting a lot of trust in the honesty & integrity of our commissioner (an oxymoron?).

But after weighing the possibility the Commish might not be an honorable man (women aren't allowed to be commissioner, right?), I have concluded it doesn't matter.  The odds of our current Commissioner actually being in the hunt at playoffs time is miniscule, thus poses little threat.