Sunday, January 10, 2016

Ed's Picks

Ed claims he made his picks and "got them in on time."

The league Rules and Regulations states: 

  1. Members must make timely picks for each week's games. Picks will not be accepted during a weekday game or after the start of the Saturday/Sunday game package. (Section III, Number 1)
This is the header of Ed's picks this week:

By 4:30:31 Kansas City had already scored.

The Commish is usually understanding about these things if they are out of the ordinary. But Ed has been egregious about waiting until the very last moment before making picks throughout the season. Now he wants the rules bent just for him. How convenient that would be.

Ed had since Tuesday to make his picks. It took him 1 minute and 26 seconds to make them, yet he couldn't make them in a "timely" manner? He didn't even start until 4:29:04?