Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The King and the Ghost's Nefarious Dealings

As Omaha so succinctly puts it. the impersonation of the Ghost by the King of the North certainly needs to be investigated. The Commish is hesitant to jump all the way to accusing the King of "breaking every rule and bylaw of this esteemed organization," as Omaha's wild accusation does. However, something indeed seems to be amiss, something iniquitous is definitely afoot.

First of all, why was the King even in the Ghost's account? Each league member has his or her own unique account for security reasons. Each league member was invited specifically by the central office to communicate through the account to the league and other league members. So why was the King in the Ghost's account?

Unless it was to make the Ghosts picks for him, something that has been hotly rumored for the past few years. The King has his own account. He does not need to access the Ghosts account for any legitimate reason.

If indeed the King has been making the Ghost's picks for him, how long has this been going on? How many trophies must be returned? How on earth did the King crack the Ghost sign on protocol? Has the King been hacking other members accounts? That would account for Omaha's many complaints that he never picked his losing picks, that is for sure!

The Commish has schedule a formal investigation into this matter, to commence on May 5 when the league office relocates to its summer home in Nashua, NH. Until then, all league members should check their picks very carefully to make sure they are indeed their picks, and not a hacked pick by someone else.

And by "someone else" I mean the King of the North.

The league thanks Omaha and his nephew Granby for their attention in this matter. Granby's thoughts on it might have been overlooked as it appeared in a comment rather than a post. Here is his concern: