Thursday, January 14, 2016

What's with you gals?

OK, can't take it any longer.

Last week in my post of proposed rule changes I made a clearly sexist remark that women aren't allowed to be commissioner of the GoZone.

There are 5 women on this blog, and not one of you took my bait and accused me of being some horrible sexist.  Not a bigot label from anyone?

Cummon ladies, where's your spirit??

I mean cummon now.  Sure, Peg is new to the blog, has not yet met me and my charming manner, so I'll overlook her not wanting to go it alone and plunge into the dark waters.

And of course Karen wouldn't think of summoning the courage to demean me in public...

And Diane & B-Ry are a generation behind me in family order, so maybe they are just respecting their elder and silently letting it pass.

But Jo???  What's your feeble excuse?  YOU'RE GONNA LET ME GET AWAY WITH THAT??

But then, Karen, in her meek ways, mentioned something I had overlooked.  Maybe the other gals weren't sure if I was just tossing out bait, and, heaven forbid, was I really a sexist?   They sure didn't want to get into a mud-slinging contest with a male chauvinist pig!

Sheesh, a logical explanation.

All I can say is that you gals sure know how to ruin a good time.
