Monday, January 11, 2016

Omaha's Conundrum

Omaha is complaining of harassment, by whom and how he omits to mention.

While the Commish is quick to caution league members about emailing, texting and calling other members to heap abuse upon them, there is no clear guideline as to what constitutes true harassment and what is simply the result of Karma.

Certainly Obama invites a certain amount of harassment based upon his premature boasting as to his brilliance at picking games. And someone who is usually amongst the point leaders in the league often is also amongst those who engender disapproval.

The Commish always seeks to remind league members to be civil to one another, however, with members like Omaha, Deland and the Ghost, it seems like a futile endeavor. The Commish himself, as lauded as he is by the vast majority of league members, often finds himself the subject of perfidious and scurrilous attacks and calumny.

The sad truth is that to be a league member is to suffer unforeseen and unfounded attacks.

As my sainted Grandmother, Nana O'Leary, often said to me after I fell and hurt myself and cried for comfort, "Le bon Dieu punit la salete." She never did like me much.

The Commish has spoken.