Monday, January 11, 2016

Third Person Skullduggery

The ghost wrote a post, in the third person no less, complaining once again that he was in the right to send in his picks after the start of Saturday's first playoff game. He claims the game didn't start until 4:35 therefore his picks were on time. He provides no evidence of this, other than his self-serving recollection as to its commencement. A cursory investigation provided this:

What remains is the definition of what constitutes "a timely manner." While other league members have endeavored to make their picks with enough time for the IT department to process them and get the Picks Chart published before the game begins, the Ghost continually submitted his picks as close to the absolute deadline as he could. While other league members try to cooperate, the Ghost chooses to resorting to threats and bombast and the use of kaka words aimed at the Commish. While other members respond quickly to the Commish's texts and phone calls prompting picks submission, the Ghost ignores all such efforts. If the league isn't important enough for the Ghost to fulfill his obligations, he should resign in ignominy.

Other league members agree. Deland wrote in a text to the Commish:

Despite a rare show of good sense from Deland, the evidence shows that technically the Ghost was accurate in his observation. Well, the Ghost wins this round, based upon evidence generated by the Commish, but the battle is not over.

The Senior Advisory Council has voted to move the deadline for picks submission to 1/2 hour before the beginning of the first game of the weekend package, and have instructed IT Director Guido Gonzales to shut down the Survey Monkey Picks website access at that time. League members who miss this new deadline will be assigned the home team for each game. The SAC informed the Commish that this should be called "The Ghost Rule."

Adding to the bizarre nature of this controversy is the fact that the Ghost spoke of himself in the third person throughout his diatribe. He even describes a conversation he had with himself. As everyone knows, this is often an indication of a seriously deranged person.

The Commish has spoken.