Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Big Red's a Bit Touchy

The Commish makes observations, based upon incontrovertible facts, for most weeks' picks. Recently, he made an observation of Big Red's suicidal anti-Pats picks.

Nothing he observed was not a fact, except for the haters comment, more on that later. In essence, any bet against Brady and the Pats has to be tempered by the fact that the Pats, as well as some other teams, are and have been overwhelming winners.

If you pencil in 12 wins for the Pats, that means if you pick them every week you will be gain 12 points for the year. Other teams are also "good bets" even if they may lose a few times. Once one begins to pick and choose which teams will beat these powerhouse teams, you run the risk of picking wrongly and lessening one's point total.

The Commish's observation in question, that if Big Red had penciled in the Pats each week she would be tied for first, may be painful for Big Red, but it is a fact. When the statements of facts are assailed as somehow biased, we are entering the realm of Politics, where facts disagreeing with a political point of view are either ignored or refuted.

The "hater" comment was added to the Commish's observations by someone in the IT department. IT Department head Guido Gonzales is presently conducting an investigation into how that could have happened. But punishment will be light, for the Commish is a huge Pats fan and can easily understand how people might feel protective of the Pats in general and have animosity toward people who attack the Pats by picking against them.

Big Red's threats of "waiting until next year" are indication enough of her feeling toward the Pats, as is her admission that she likes other teams better than the Pats. The Commish regrets that the loyalty oath and admission process were in effect of all league members.

The Commish has spoken.

Week 20 Conference Championships 2015 Picks Chart

To fill out online, click here.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Not a hater.

So...because I decided to pick against the Patriots last week  if by some wild chance they would have lost and I'd have earned more points, I am now labeled a Hater.  I will admit there are teams I like better than the beloved Patriots but I do not hate them.  And so much for the Commissioner stating that one wouldn't be chastised if they picked against the Patriots, I am once again singled out for criticism. 

All I can say is "Wait until next year.  You ain't seen nothin' yet!"

Big Red

Monday, January 18, 2016

Observations from Week 19

1. Luke Takes a Flier. Points leader Luke took two teams for upsets and it cost him. He picked both the Pack and the Seahawks and both lost, leaving him with only 6 points for the week. However his lead was such that he is still only one point off the lead now.

2. The Leaders. Jo with 188 points, Wayne and Luke with 187, Ed with 186,  Marc with 185,  Patrick with 184, Karen with 183, and Kevin with 180.

3. The Race is Tight.  Five people are within 4 points of the lead and seven are within eight.

4. Karen in First Place If... Karen's hatred of the Patriots has lost her 5 points this year, two on regular season games and three this past weekend. If she had remained true to the Pats, her point total would be 188, tied for the lead. But she wasn't and she isn't.

5. It Will Come Down to the Superbowl. With only two games left before the superbowl, few points can be made or lost until the Superbowl. The Superbowl is worth 7 points, so it will come down to picking the Superbowl winner correctly, as it should.

Week 19 Division Playoff Stats

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Friday, January 15, 2016

How to Make a Post to the Go Zone on an Iphone

Jo's text to the Go Zone informed the league of her difficulty in making a post. She and Kevin instead used the comment feature to communicate. The problem with that is that everyone does not receive notifications of comments, only posts. Therefore, many league members probably didn't see their comments or the many comments from others.

Here is her text:

Therefore, this is a way to post comments to the Go Zone from an iphone.

1. Sign in to your gmail account.

2. In Safari, type in ""  You should get the blog with a grey background.

3. Scroll down to the end of the page.

4. Just before you get to Contributors with a black background, you will see a blue button named "home." Under that will be "View Web Version."

5. Click on the "View Web Version" and you should get the web version of the Go Zone.

6. If you are signed in to your google account, you should have a your gmail account showing in the header. (You may have to enlarge the type to see it.) If you are not signed in, click on "Sign In" in the top header and sign in. It will send you to your gmail information page. On it will be the blogs you belong to. Click on The Go Zone and it will bring up the web version of the Zone. If it doesn't, go back and repeat steps 3-8.

7. To the right of your gmail account name will be "New Post."

8. Click on "New Post" and you will get the new post format.

—Many thanks to Wayne Gonyea, new Go Zone IT Consultant, and Guido Gonzales, Go Zone IT Manager.

Commissioner eligibility

Hey Commish, I have been reviewing the league rules & bylaws in a futile effort to find clarification as to who can serve as Commish of this joint.

Is the Commissioner's office open to only natural born O'Learys or Gonyeas, or are aliens, i.e., those who have married into these families, also eligible?

Must prospective candidates for Commissioner be born in the United States?

Can adoptees apply?

Respectfully submitted,


Comments from Deland and The Boss

Following are two comments, the first from Deland and the second from the Boss, of which all members may not be aware. Not all members get notices of comments. The Commish advises members to use posts to make comments, not the comment section.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

What's with you gals?

OK, can't take it any longer.

Last week in my post of proposed rule changes I made a clearly sexist remark that women aren't allowed to be commissioner of the GoZone.

There are 5 women on this blog, and not one of you took my bait and accused me of being some horrible sexist.  Not a bigot label from anyone?

Cummon ladies, where's your spirit??

I mean cummon now.  Sure, Peg is new to the blog, has not yet met me and my charming manner, so I'll overlook her not wanting to go it alone and plunge into the dark waters.

And of course Karen wouldn't think of summoning the courage to demean me in public...

And Diane & B-Ry are a generation behind me in family order, so maybe they are just respecting their elder and silently letting it pass.

But Jo???  What's your feeble excuse?  YOU'RE GONNA LET ME GET AWAY WITH THAT??

But then, Karen, in her meek ways, mentioned something I had overlooked.  Maybe the other gals weren't sure if I was just tossing out bait, and, heaven forbid, was I really a sexist?   They sure didn't want to get into a mud-slinging contest with a male chauvinist pig!

Sheesh, a logical explanation.

All I can say is that you gals sure know how to ruin a good time.


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The King responds

Nothing nefarious has been going down in Manchester. It is just something that happens when two members use the same computer and one member stays logged in and the other member forgets to log out and back in again to his own account. A simple mistake is all. The contents of the post are true either way. Nuff said. I will not stand for anymore baseless accusations. Put up or shut up.

By the way the ghost doesn't even know when the Texans Chiefs game really started. He wasn't even watching it. Point your daggers at the real culprit. Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's.

His grace
 The King in the North.

Patriot Games

As is well known, the Go Zone is a very pro-Patriots blog. Given the enormous advantage people enjoy by picking the Pats week in and week out,  the Commish is a bit short with those who easily abandon them during the season.

But now we are in the playoffs and important points are on the line. Therefore, the Commish wishes league members to know that no diatribe, insults or accusations will be hurled their way if they pick against the Pats in the playoffs.

But the regular season is still sacred!

Underdog Status

The Ghost has made his first post to the Go Zone, and for that we thank him. Too bad is was a complaint, but beggers can't be choosey. He states, wildly after the fact, that the Pack shouldn't have had underdog status since, he says, they were at one time favored in the game, and were a pick at the start of the game.

While this may all be true, it is interesting that he did not make a point of this until after he lost that game and it added points to his opponents' scores. It is a self-serving complaint and one that is in error.

Last Tuedsay when the Picks Chart was created, the Packers were a one-point underdog. If they went to a two point favorite and then to a pick 'em is neither here nor there. The underdog status is assigned at the time of the Picks Chart creation and that is what is used by all league members by which to make their picks. If the underdog status were to change willy nilly throughout the week, new picks would have to be made for each new underdog status change.

If they were or were not official underdog's at the beginning of the game is unimportant. What is important is that everyone had the same information to inform their picks since Tuesday.

It might come as a surprise to the Ghost that he had from Tuesday through Saturday to make his picks, as apparently he thought the only time he could make a pick was 4 minutes before the first game on Saturday.

The King and the Ghost's Nefarious Dealings

As Omaha so succinctly puts it. the impersonation of the Ghost by the King of the North certainly needs to be investigated. The Commish is hesitant to jump all the way to accusing the King of "breaking every rule and bylaw of this esteemed organization," as Omaha's wild accusation does. However, something indeed seems to be amiss, something iniquitous is definitely afoot.

First of all, why was the King even in the Ghost's account? Each league member has his or her own unique account for security reasons. Each league member was invited specifically by the central office to communicate through the account to the league and other league members. So why was the King in the Ghost's account?

Unless it was to make the Ghosts picks for him, something that has been hotly rumored for the past few years. The King has his own account. He does not need to access the Ghosts account for any legitimate reason.

If indeed the King has been making the Ghost's picks for him, how long has this been going on? How many trophies must be returned? How on earth did the King crack the Ghost sign on protocol? Has the King been hacking other members accounts? That would account for Omaha's many complaints that he never picked his losing picks, that is for sure!

The Commish has schedule a formal investigation into this matter, to commence on May 5 when the league office relocates to its summer home in Nashua, NH. Until then, all league members should check their picks very carefully to make sure they are indeed their picks, and not a hacked pick by someone else.

And by "someone else" I mean the King of the North.

The league thanks Omaha and his nephew Granby for their attention in this matter. Granby's thoughts on it might have been overlooked as it appeared in a comment rather than a post. Here is his concern:

Week 19 Divisional Playoffs Picks Chart

To fill out online, click here.


1. All picks must be made by 30 minutes before the first game. (The Ghost Rule)

2. No changes allowed after picks are posted on the website. (The Omaha Rule)

3. Underlined are underdogs as of Tuesday before the game. Changes in underdog status will not be recognized by the league.

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Monday, January 11, 2016

Bonus Points

How can we have bonus points awarded in the Washington-Green Bay game when it was a "pick em"?  Actually before the odds shifted to even, Green Bay was a one point favorite.


So the ghost is still a ghost

Hmmmmmm, Patrick forgot to log off the ghosts' account and accidentally posted a phony message from the ghost.

And all this time we thought the ghost was actually making his own picks.

This calls for an investigation.

At stake is retrieving his Chappie award of 2014 and forfeiting his wins in 2015.

And of course Patrick looks guilty of breaking every rule and bylaw of this esteemed organization.

Patrick surely fooled an unsuspecting ghost into believing impersonating a another team owner is somehow above in legal.

What say you, Commish???

This demands immediate action!!


Times up

It's taking much longer for our Commish to deny  my proposed changes than I expected.

Really, my bottom line is that no one should be able to view others picks before the time has passed for pick changes.  If  no changes are accepted after the picks chart has been published (or 30 mins prior to first kickoff of a playoff round, whichever comes first) than I'm tickled pink.

Actually, my main purpose for tossing out the proposed changes was an attempt to get the Commish to earn his exorbitant salary.


Ghost Post

That Ghost post was me. Forgot to sign out of his account before posting. Doesn't necessarily mean the Ghost is not deranged though.

On the Proposed Rule Changes

Omaha has requested some rule changes. Before submitting them to the SAC, the Commish needs clarification on each.

1.  During the regular season - the picks chart should not be published (or otherwise divulged) until after kickoff of (1) the Thursday night game;  (2) the first game of the weekend,  (after which no changes may be made to a member's weekend picks,) and (3) the Monday night game.

I am not sure why these changes are necessary. It will mean publishing an added game (Monday Night, which means publishing the entire picks chart again. No one has asked for Monday's game picks to be changed so far, so what is the need for all the security?

2.  During the playoffs, the following applies:

The picks chart is not to be posted until after kickoff of Saturday's first game, and no change in picks is allowed for that day.  The same applies for Sunday's games.

This is easily accomplished, but again no one has requested a change in picks before the games start, so the necessity eludes me. However, this can be done easily. It is currently policy that no picks can be changed once the Picks Chart is published, which accomplishes the same thing as this proposed change.

3.  All picks or changes must be in 15 minutes prior to the scheduled (published) start of each day's games.

Presently, the Ghost Rule calls for one half hour for picks to be processed. If all of the picks except for two or three are in much earlier, then 15 minutes is reasonable. However, we have a few members who routinely withhold their picks until the last minute (Deland, the Ghost, and Sanford come to mind) so their picks would require a longer time, unless the Commish is willing to miss the beginning of Thursday, Sunday and Monday night games, which he is not.

With this in mind, the Commish will argue for his points with the SAC. Their ruling on these changes will be published in a timely manner.

Proposed rules changes

OK, I'll give the ghost this one.  He pushed the rule to the limit and limped across the finish line by a nose.

Commish, I propose three things:

1.  During the regular season - the picks chart should not be published (or otherwise divulged) until after kickoff of (1) the Thursday night game;  (2) the first game of the weekend,  (after which no changes may be made to a member's weekend picks,) and (3) the Monday night game.

Interpretation:  This means the picks must be published three times, Thursday, first game of the weekend, & Monday.  

2.  During the playoffs, the following applies:

The picks chart is not to be posted until after kickoff of Saturday's first game, and no change in picks is allowed for that day.  The same applies for Sunday's games.

This will eliminate the need for the Commish to remain sober be available for calls or otherwise accept pick changes prior to kickoff of each individual game.

3.  All picks or changes must be in 15 minutes prior to the scheduled (published) start of each day's games.

I know, I know, this means we are putting a lot of trust in the honesty & integrity of our commissioner (an oxymoron?).

But after weighing the possibility the Commish might not be an honorable man (women aren't allowed to be commissioner, right?), I have concluded it doesn't matter.  The odds of our current Commissioner actually being in the hunt at playoffs time is miniscule, thus poses little threat.

Wild Card Weekend (Week 18) Stats

Third Person Skullduggery

The ghost wrote a post, in the third person no less, complaining once again that he was in the right to send in his picks after the start of Saturday's first playoff game. He claims the game didn't start until 4:35 therefore his picks were on time. He provides no evidence of this, other than his self-serving recollection as to its commencement. A cursory investigation provided this:

What remains is the definition of what constitutes "a timely manner." While other league members have endeavored to make their picks with enough time for the IT department to process them and get the Picks Chart published before the game begins, the Ghost continually submitted his picks as close to the absolute deadline as he could. While other league members try to cooperate, the Ghost chooses to resorting to threats and bombast and the use of kaka words aimed at the Commish. While other members respond quickly to the Commish's texts and phone calls prompting picks submission, the Ghost ignores all such efforts. If the league isn't important enough for the Ghost to fulfill his obligations, he should resign in ignominy.

Other league members agree. Deland wrote in a text to the Commish:

Despite a rare show of good sense from Deland, the evidence shows that technically the Ghost was accurate in his observation. Well, the Ghost wins this round, based upon evidence generated by the Commish, but the battle is not over.

The Senior Advisory Council has voted to move the deadline for picks submission to 1/2 hour before the beginning of the first game of the weekend package, and have instructed IT Director Guido Gonzales to shut down the Survey Monkey Picks website access at that time. League members who miss this new deadline will be assigned the home team for each game. The SAC informed the Commish that this should be called "The Ghost Rule."

Adding to the bizarre nature of this controversy is the fact that the Ghost spoke of himself in the third person throughout his diatribe. He even describes a conversation he had with himself. As everyone knows, this is often an indication of a seriously deranged person.

The Commish has spoken.

Omaha's Conundrum

Omaha is complaining of harassment, by whom and how he omits to mention.

While the Commish is quick to caution league members about emailing, texting and calling other members to heap abuse upon them, there is no clear guideline as to what constitutes true harassment and what is simply the result of Karma.

Certainly Obama invites a certain amount of harassment based upon his premature boasting as to his brilliance at picking games. And someone who is usually amongst the point leaders in the league often is also amongst those who engender disapproval.

The Commish always seeks to remind league members to be civil to one another, however, with members like Omaha, Deland and the Ghost, it seems like a futile endeavor. The Commish himself, as lauded as he is by the vast majority of league members, often finds himself the subject of perfidious and scurrilous attacks and calumny.

The sad truth is that to be a league member is to suffer unforeseen and unfounded attacks.

As my sainted Grandmother, Nana O'Leary, often said to me after I fell and hurt myself and cried for comfort, "Le bon Dieu punit la salete." She never did like me much.

The Commish has spoken.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Is harrassment legal?

Commish:  I want to protest all the harassment I've been subjected to this day.

I can't help it if my Vikings kicker couldn't kick a ball over a high chair or between the walls of the Grand Canyon from point-blank range.

And the Redskins mailed it in.

And now I'm receiving email, phone calls and vicious harassment from Go-Zone participants.

This strikes me as excessive celebration and the guilty parties should be penalized accordingly.

Is our Commish going to stand by and do nothing?


Full of @#$%

While discussing it with the Ghost he claimed that the Chiefs/Texans game did not start until 4:35pm EST thus he got his picks in on time and that the Commish is, and I quote, "full of shit!".

Ed's Picks

Ed claims he made his picks and "got them in on time."

The league Rules and Regulations states: 

  1. Members must make timely picks for each week's games. Picks will not be accepted during a weekday game or after the start of the Saturday/Sunday game package. (Section III, Number 1)
This is the header of Ed's picks this week:

By 4:30:31 Kansas City had already scored.

The Commish is usually understanding about these things if they are out of the ordinary. But Ed has been egregious about waiting until the very last moment before making picks throughout the season. Now he wants the rules bent just for him. How convenient that would be.

Ed had since Tuesday to make his picks. It took him 1 minute and 26 seconds to make them, yet he couldn't make them in a "timely" manner? He didn't even start until 4:29:04?

I could have made that kick...

I think the fix was in...

Corrections to Wildcard Weekend Pics

Commish-My picks for wildcard weekend were the Chiefs, Steelers, Seahawks, and Redskins.  Got them in on time.


Omaha Surges (for now)

Omaha is correct that he is doing well. His 6 points beats Luke (3), Ed (0), Jo (3) and Karen (3). However, today's games could be telling, especially with Luke. Luke took the Seahawks and the Pack while Wayne went with the Vikes and the Skins. If Omaha's picks both win, he swamps Luke with 14 points to Luke's 3. In the same scenario, he beats Karen and Jo 14-8. and Ed 14-3.

However, if Luke's picks come in, he will have 11 points to Omaha's 6. Luke would beat Ed, 11-3, Karen and Jo 11-8.

Of course, chances are neither of the two will play out that way. We'll just have to wait and see.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

kicked ass today

My Chiefs frolicked to victory, while my Steelers had just another ho-hum win over the hapless (& I might add incredibly stupid) Bungals.

On to Sunday!


Wildcard Weekend Picks

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Wildcard Weekend Picks Chart

Please click here to fill out the form online.

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Wildlife Alert!

There is a serpent in the garden, and, like most snakes, when it gets within striking range it can be dangerous. And this one is slouching toward the playoffs.

Kevin's 12-4 week bought him to only 7 points behind Luke. Seven points is very possible to make up during the playoffs. Last year Marc was 8 points behind Kevin, and made up 7 points on the wildcard weekend alone.

Kevin's 12 point week was incredible, given that only one other member even broke double figures. That was Brandy with 10 points. The rest of us were 8-8 or 9-7 or 7-9.

A reminder of the playoff rules:

Playoff Game Rules:

1. Members will begin the playoffs with their total points from the season.

2. Each playoff pick win will add 3 points to their scores.

3. If the member's pick is the underdog in the game, 2 points will be added as well.

Superbowl Rules

1. The Superbowl winning pick is worth 7 points, but no underdog points.

2. In addition, there will be 7 possible additional points depending upon game statistics.
Members will pick the winner of the game, but also which team will have the
a. Most Rushing Yards
b. Most Passing Yards
c. Most Completions
d. Most penalty yards
e. Most sacks
f. Most turnovers
g. Most Passing TD’s.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Week 17 Stats

Luke Wins the Millie

Luke has won the regular season award, the Millie, by one point. His 9-7 week point score beat Wayne's 8-8 and secured the trophy.

Luke's final point total was 170, Wayne's 169, Ed and Jo's 168 and Karen's 166.

Luke led the league at the beginning of the season, but a few disastrous weeks left him behind the leaders but not far. At the end of the season he had a run of 4 good weeks to creep into the leaders' bracket. He finally tied Wayne for the lead last week, and took the Millie this week.

The trophy came down to the last play of the last game of the week, when the Vikings took over on downs from the Packers, sealing their win and the Millie for Luke. Going into that game, Luke and Wayne were tied, but Wayne had the Pack.

When asked to what he attributed his success, Luke said, "A total lack of preparation. I never let experience or knowledge get in my way or influence my picks."

170 points is the lowest point score to win the season, not counting 2010 which was a partial season. The previous full season low is 179 points by Patrick in 2012.

The leaders week:

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Week 17 Picks

Leaders' Picks for Week17

If it weren't for Luke, the Millie award winner would come down to only two games—the Lions at the Bears and the Redskins at the Cowboys. Jo and Luke took the Bears, the rest the Lions. Jo, Luke and Karen took the Skins, Wayne and Ed the Cowboys.

If not for Luke, members would only have to scan the winners of those two games to know who won the Millie.

But no, not with Luke in the league. Luke singularly chose Seattle, the Raiders, and the Vikings, putting each of those games into play. If he hits on three of the five picks, he is the winner. If he hits on two of the first four, then the Millie will go to Wayne if the Cardinals prevail, Luke if it is Seattle.

Ed cannot advance because he has the exact same picks at Wayne, who is one point ahead of him.

Jo can win the Millie if the Bears and the Skins win, and the Vikes, Raiders and Seahawks all lose, certainly possible because they are all road games for the latter.

Karen cannot win because she has only the Skins pick different than Wayne and she is four points behind him. It is interesting to note that her total would have been 159 if she had picked for the Pats the entire season, but that would still leave one her short in this scenario.