Monday, December 29, 2014

NFL Underdogs for Wild Card Weekend

NFL Wild Card Playoff Games 

                                             Date & Time     Favorite       Underdog

                                             1/3 8:15 ET       at Steelers      Ravens
                                             1/3 4:35 ET       at Panthers    Cardinals
                                             1/4 4:40 ET       at Cowboys    Lions
                                             1/4 1:00 ET       at Colts           Bengals

Playoff Rules

Playoff Game Rules:

1. Members will begin the playoffs with their total points from the season.

2. Each playoff pick win will add 3 points to their scores.

3. If the member's pick is the underdog in the game, 2 points will be added as well.

Week 17 Stats

Week 18 Wild Card Weekend Picks Form

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Observations from the Commish

1. Ed holds his lead, but Kevin, Sean gaining.  Ed slipped ever so slightly this week with a 9-7 record, and with 10-6 weeks, Kevin is now 5 behind, Sean 6.

2. Marcus wins the week. Marc tied for first with six others with a 10-6 week, but he was the lone winner Monday night, so his total points was 11, tying him with his dad at 169.

3. Bran and Marc get Picks of the Week.  Bran picked the Giants to win at the Rams and Marc picked the Bengals to win at home against the Broncos.

4. Unanimous duds. Of our three unanimous picks, only the Patriots pulled out a win. The Eagles lost to the Redskins and the Bills lost to the Raiders. Both games had playoff implications for the losing teams, effectively eliminating them from Super Bowl contention.

5. Ed closing in on Kevin's regular season record for points. Kevin set the record last year with 188 points. With Ed at 176, he would need 12 points to tie and 13 to set a new record. Kevin averaged 11 points per week last year, and Ed is averaging exactly 11 points per week this year.

***Pats ban lifted. This week's games might be tricky with some teams potentially resting players because a loss would not affect their seeding. The Pats are one of those teams and the Bills could have been a tough game for them. With this in mind, the unofficial ban on picking against the Pats will be lifted for the last game.

So says

Week 17 Picks Form

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thursday Night Picks

Thursday Night

The King and the Ghost pick the Jaguars.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Week 16 Picks Form

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Week 15 Stats

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thursday Night Picks

Thursday Night

The Ghost and the King pick the Rams.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Week 15 Picks Form

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Week 14 Stats

test post

This a test.  This is a test.

I have hired a geek squad to undo all the harm our Czar has done to my computer.

This is a test.


Sunday, December 7, 2014

Lies....all lies

Not true...not true.

I have no fascination with the  icky Bears or any other team and I have no hatred towards the Patriots...if there would be a team I would "hate", it would be most assuredly the Broncos.

I take this stuff seriously....really I do.

Big Red


I should have the Eagles. #evilmonkey

Very funny

When it comes to picking Patriot games, the Czar continues his wretched attempt at comedy.

Week 14 Picks

Omaha's Picks

To make sure that Omaha won't question the Commish's integrity yet again, here are his picks for week 14.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

More harrassment from the czar...

Once again, I'm unable to get, access or even see the survey monkey for this week's picks. So I went to the email the czar sent with the survey. It required me to sign in (oh boy, you know where this is going to end). Once again, it says I don't exist. There is no end to this harassment... omaha

Friday, December 5, 2014

Big Red Loves the Bears and Pelini and Hates the Patriots...I Rest My Case

Big Red,

Your fascination with the Bears is understandable, my own son shares your regard. The Bears have solid players in key positions on offense, and, if they run the ball, their defense can get by. But after blowout after blowout after blowout when facing average to good teams...well, you might anticipate another blowout.

And then there is your hatred of the Patriots. I know you do not have much history in New England, but still, what is there to hate? A coach who loves football? A quarterback who has won three Superbowls and gone to five? I just don't get Patriot haters, but you can pick whom you like in this league.

But finally, there is Pelini. What do you find likeable about the oaf? He is abusive towards Nebraska fans, towards referees and towards his own players, on occasion. He apparently cannot speak without spitting and raising his voice. They just dumped him for a guy who has lost as many as he has won, but who is a great guy to his players and his fans.

It cannot be said that Nebraska is so liberal that Pelini could not last. It can be said that Pelini was so neanderthal that he couldn't last, even in Nebraska, given that Sen. Johanns is against every initiative by Obama, even the conservative ones, and Sen. Fischer is a big fan of the ozone layer being depleted. This would seem to be a safe state for the likes of Pelini to inhabit, but no, for some unfathomable reason, they want a homosapien coaching their football team. Go figure.

League members have rallied to your cause, which speaks volumes to your personal warmth and sincerity. League members are the league, and I speak for them when I say follow your heart and pick as you choose (as long as you pick the Pats).

Thursday, December 4, 2014

As God as my witness....

I truly did think the awful Bears might have a chance to win this game.  They HAD to win tonight .

Lived in Illinois for 28 years and I NEVER looked those Bears.

Big Red

Thursday Night Picks

Ghost Speaks Nonsense

Of course, as you have intuited, I do have the power to edit all posts, so absent any respect for my integrity, I guess I could be the only one posting these messages. That was pretty much the case for most of this year as few if anyone but me posted anything, until Wayne got his posting rights back and look where that has led.

But I digress. I don't think #ghost'stheories/rampantspeculation actually exists because I don't believe Twitter allows apostrophes. But it was a good effort.

Ghost Speak

So I was talking with my dad and this came up:

The Ghost contends, since the Commish can access Wayne's account, that the conversation between the Commish and Wayne is actually just the Commish posting as Wayne and having an argument with himself. Why you ask? No idea. Ask the Ghost. #ghost'stheories/rampantspeculation.

The King in the North

Thursday Night

The Ghost picks the Cowboys.

The King in the North picks Da Bears.

Commish: PLEASE DO NOT EDIT!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, both the Ghost and I think you are doing a great job as commissioner and we feel that you should be named Commissioner for Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I never saw that option. Thanks for the tip.

The Czar has no clothes

Our Czar, Vladimir O'Leary has no shame either. Look carefully at the upper right hand corner of this survey. See the Edit box? Our crooked esteemed Czar just happens to be the only one who can utilize this feature. He can edit any survey we send him, as he has done in this case. omaha

Omaha is Feverish

Omaha's paranoia is increasing, perhaps driven by Big Red's hatred of the Pats and need for an intervention. Below is Omaha's picks for last week.

Note that he picked, not his beloved Packers, but the Pats. Note also that the IP address is again the same as Big Red's. So this fevered fiction that he picked the Pack peels back his true ambition—to rudely untimely rip the Commish from his elective function.

So be it Omaha. The battle is joined!

Best wishes to all,

Commissioner, the GoZone Football League
President for Life, the GoZone Football League

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Revisionist history

Our esteemed Commish puts a favorable slant to history, favorable to him, that is. He describes the round-about steps I had to go through to get into the Zone, but fails to mention that about 3 weeks ago even those steps stopped working. I was completely booted out - no entry, no way to post - nothing. It was only after I threatened legal action that he reinstated me to the Zone. And I haven't ruled out such action in the future. Not only do I still have to go through these numerous circular steps to get in, but now I am the recipient of these vicious lies and accusations. He contends I somehow hit Bran's name when filling out the survey one week. Oh puleeeeze. My name is the first one listed on the survey, and Bran's name is well down the list. I would have to seek it out to select it, and why would I do that? The truth is our Commish, likely in a drunken stupor, or perhaps deliberately, got my survey confused with Bran's, and now accuses me of misfiling it. All of his vicious accusations are just a smokescreen to shift attention away from his blatant attempt to sabotage and change my picks. The Colt logo this past week tripped him up and caught red-handed, he attempts to brush it off as a clerical mistake while refusing to give me my beloved Packer pick. I guess he thinks he's Czar for life.

The Facts, not Omaha's Fiction

1. I did not boot Omaha from the Go Zone, although he was booted by technology. When he attempted to sign in to the Go Zone with his proper id and password. he received a message saying that was the wrong info. Omaha would then click out of the page, go to his favorites and choose the Go Zone. He would be greeting with "Welcome Wayne," but with no where to click to send a new post. After working with the Commish, to no avail, the Commish established a totally new id and password and google email account for him. The Commish then sent an invitation to the Go Zone, went to Omaha's new email account and accepted. When Omaha attempted to sign in with this new email id and password, he was once again refused. He clicked out, went to favorites and chose Go Zone and got in, this time with posting privileges. How Omaha sees this as the Commish "booting him out" is beyond comprehension. There is obviously a glitch between Omaha's computer and the Go Zone site.

2. On Sunday of Week 8, I called Omaha and reminded him to make his picks. He went postal, saying he had made his picks and this was just another example of God Knows What. As he was ranting, I checked the Survey Monkey and found that Bran/Ryan seemed to have chosen twice.

Notice that on one of her choices, the IP number is the same as Karen's. Omaha over the phone dictated his choices and they were the same as the first Bran choices. I told Omaha of this situation, and he insisted that the Survey Monkey, in cahoots with Google and the Commissioner conspired to corrupt his picks. I suggested that, given his hand shakes quite a bit anyway, he may have moved the cursor enough to have picked Bran's name. He denied not only this, but even the possibility of this happening, then went into one of his tirades against Google, the Commish and various other ills he sees in the world. Quite an interesting list, actually. But, the fact remains computers are a tool; what you put in is what you get out.

3. This seems to be Omaha's draft. He has left in his cross outs which indicate it was his first attempt. I am sure that when he finishes his post it will be absent such cross outs and generally more intelligible.

Mike O
Commissioner of the Go Zone Football League
President for Life of the Go Zone Football League

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

This is an outrage

First, the Commish boots me out of the Go Zone. He denies my picks two weeks ago, then claims they were submitted under someone's else's name. Then he again denies me access to the forum. After several phone calls and nasty emails, he finally grants me temporary access. So then what does he do? Instead of giving me my Packers pick, he gives me the Colts over the Patriots, then marks it down as a loss when they don't play each other. His latest ploy is to now claim I picked the Patriots over my beloved Packers. This dastardly Commish will resort to any ploy to deny me my rightful place at the top of this league. My only mistake? Not making my picks by email and blind-copying myself to provide proof of my picks. I suspect many of my picks have been altered by this cad we laughingly call our Commissioner. I request an emergency meeting of the Senior Advisory Board, or whatever he calls it, fire this bastard...fine this thief...investigate and assemble the facts that will will result in firing...disqualifying...executing...all of the above...exposing him for the scoundrel he is. Respectfully submitted, Omaha

Technical Clitch Assigns Omaha the Colts, Big Red's in Trouble, the League Tightens Up, and Omaha Has To Relearn How to Title His Posts

My crack IT people are really spooked by the "Omaha situation." Try as they might to assign him his Patriots pick, the computer mysteriously reverts back to the Colts. They have never seen anything like this, but I have. My brother in law Marcus Emery bet on the Colts to beat the Pats 10 or 15 years ago. To this day he is known as "The Colts Lover."

BTW, your survey indicates you picked the Pats.

As to Big Red's anxiety about being kicked out of the league, that doesn't happen. There are a few, however, who have resigned from the league after harsh treatment, usually from Deland. The Commish, of course, always tries to foster comity amongst our league members, no matter the cost of invectives he usually receives. His silent and good-natured presence has brought many to tears.

On the other hand, Big Red's Patriot-hating pick was her second transgression, according to irate league members. They recognize the signs, and they have expressed strong feelings to me that she be put in a solid 10 step program. Oh sure, we could just look away and let her go, but that is really enabling at its core. We wouldn't be surprised if she went against the Pats again this week, susceptible as she is to the temptation to ruin. She must be living in some kind of haze to like Bo Pelini. I don't know what demons she faces daily (although I do know Wayne),  but that is never an excuse. No excuses will suffice. To that end, the Senior Advisory Council has demanded that I challenge everyone of her non-Pats picks. If her defense is as flimsy as Omaha's faith in Google, then the pick should be officially challenged. So, pick away Big Red, but realized that we are watching... and waiting.

Absent Ed, and what a prescient term that is, the league has intriguingly started to bunch up. Kevin now has 136 points, Sean 135, Pat and Mike 134, Karen 132, Marc 131 and Luke and Wayne 130. As has been thought often over the past few years, if it wasn't for Ed, this would be fun!

If i only had a brain.

Sorry to say that I am one of those people in Nebraska who was a Boliever.   This caused a great deal of friction between Omaha and me.  I must say, that has eased my pain these past few days.  Add to that the fact that I have pulled in front of him in points this week PLUS the relief I feel for not yet being kicked out of this group for picking the Packers this week.

Big Red

What gives?

OK, what happened while I was at war with our beloved...bewildered Commish over GoZone access, somehow Karen (who invited her to this site anyway?) has managed to conspire with said Commish to bypass me in the standings. To illustrate just how crooked our Commish is, I get a loss on the Pats' game even though my beloved Packers won the game.

Omaha's Pellini News

Congratulations on the firing of Bo Pellini. If there is a coach ripe for firing not because of his won/lost record,  it is Pellini with his obnoxious personality. I notice his players are grumbling about it, but everyone with a brain in the state of Nebraska is very happy indeed.

I will speak to my IT people about the Colts discrepancy.

Your Esteemed Commish

Week 14 Picks Form

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Week 13 Stats

Monday, December 1, 2014

Pats-Packers pick???

I notice that in our esteemed Commissioner's picks chart, for the Patriots - Packers game I picked.......the Colts?

I am finally once again able to post on this illustrious message board.  I expect it to be temporary, so I'm going to make my first post a very important one.

(You can exhale now.)

We finally did it!!!!!

Yep, Nebraska fired Bo Pelini!

I know you have anxiously been awaiting the coming of this great news, as I have been, so you can relax and resume your normal lives now.


Sunday, November 30, 2014

Friday, November 28, 2014

The Commish will get me....

I know the Commish will be screaming for my head for picking against the Pats this week.

If I need to apologize, I will do it on Monday!


We had the Cowboys. Regrettably.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Week 13 Picks Form

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Week 12 Stats

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday Night Picks

Thursday Night

The King and the Ghost pick the Chiefs.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Week 12 Picks Form

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Omaha trashes the Pats, picks the Colts, who lose 42-20

Omaha The Patriot haters among us must take pride in the Indianapolis Colts. Few teams have the incredible passing game of the Colts, and combined with their robust running game, 19 yards I am surprised more league members didn't pick them. But in all seriousness, it seems all Colt lovers are Patriot haters. It seems you can't love the Colts without also throwing up feeling sick over a Patriot win. Of course, a Patriot rout of the Colts hurts even more, but when Omaha league members care so little about the league to throw away a sure point, it does reflect, however slightly, on the rest of us.

Look at it this way, even Deland, who had a horrible week, can look the world in the eye and say, "At least I had the guts to pick the Pats." If only we all could say that.

As your commissioner, I understand Deland league members who are expressing outrage at the Colts pick. While Omaha has league members have the right to pick against the Patriots, as all Colt lovers and Patriot haters will, other members also have the right to voice their displeasure with the sheer audacity of the pick. The Colts? Beaten by Denver, the Eagles and the Steelers. Who did the Colts beat? The Jaguars, Bengals, Titans, Giants, Texans. Which group would you put the Pats with? Omaha put them with the losers, with the Titans and Jags and Giants. In his view, the Pats can't play with the Broncos or the Eagles or the Steelers. Fine. That is his opinion, and I am sure he will pick those teams over the Pats in the future. Losers Patriot haters always do.

Best wishes to all,

Week 11 Stats

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Week 11 Thursday Night Picks

Thursday Night

The King and the Ghost pick the Dolphins.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Check your spam Omaha.
Omaha's picks are in.  Where are last week's results?  Perhaps the Commish's pay needs a cut...

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Week 11 Picks Form

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Week 10 Stats

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thursday Night

The Ghost and the King pick the Bengals.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Week 10 Picks Form

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Week 9 Stats

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday Night Picks

Thursday Night

The Ghost and the King pick the Saints.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Week 9 Picks Form

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Ghost Sighting?

There have been reports that the Ghost has been (and I do mean 'has been') sighted, but without any communication available. These occasional sightings are tricky, because, much like Sasquatch, none can be verified and any communication attempted sounds more like gooblety gook than any form of English.

The King of the North can easily verify the Ghosts reality by having him post on the Go Zone blog. It is easy to do, although Marc and Luke have not mastered it of yet, and will provide half the information needed to verify he is actually making his own picks. This can be difficult, for in a recent phone conversation with him, I asked him if he read the blog. He said he did. I asked him about a specific point I made in my latest post. He said he couldn't remember the specifics but the overall post sounded familiar. I asked him specifics on three other posts. I got the same answer. I asked him about specifics of an imaginary post I never made. I got the same answer. He obviously doesn't read the Go Zone posts.

People send me purported pictures they have taken of the Ghost in the wild, but just as this latest one, they are easily disproven.

And while some say this is actually a picture of Sen. Ted Cruz from Texas, that is patently false, and politics will not rear its ugly head on this blog.

Week 8 Stats

Re: The Go Zone Czar

The investigation into Deland is ongoing. You may summit a petition requesting the release of all documents concerning this case under the Freedom of Information Act but I must inform you that all information pertaining to this case including evidence and the identity of whistleblowers has been classified and sealed.

Also Executive Orders from the President supersede all league rules, regulations and by laws.

As Go Zone Czar I have appointed a special prosecutor to aid in the investigation of Deland as well as looking into a possible investigation of the Commissioner's Office for fraud as well. We will be relentless. This libel against the Ghost must be put to an end. Thank you for your cooperation.

The King in the North
Go Zone Czar 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Et tu Granby?

Let's see now...

First our sniveling SOB esteemed commissioner slanders my good name by placing me in Satan's camp, then Granby, obviously under the influence of bad home brew  his two soulless cousins, cads both of them, fabricates unwarranted blame towards me for offering wise advice in picking his teams.

Granby has obviously been poisoned by the bribes and false promises of  these two Florida sissies who flee south every winter like the nasty geese who shit all over New England golf courses.   That's the price you pay for allowing such scoundrels entry to your lakeside home.  Like roaches, they contaminate your vacation abode and - apparently - also your mind.

You should know that Kevin was a shortstop who fielded too many grounders with his head, and Michael is a wannabe Hell's Angel who has spilled his hog so many times he has a permanent concussion.

Granby has obviously watched too many showings of the Godfather by keeping his wise and Saintly uncle close, and his enemies - The Florida Mafia - closer. 

So sayeth the Oracle of Omaha.

Re: tthe Go Zone Czar

It is the height of delusion when the King attempts to reveal his world. President Obama? Really? Could you go off the tracks any quicker? Let's see. No one has heard from the Ghost but you. And you say you investigated (5 minutes worth) and found that he did. But you claim Deland is not making his own picks. As you are 1700 miles away when Deland makes his picks, that would seem to let you out of any information about his picking procedure.

There is no Obama intervention here, there will be no Go Zone Czar, as it is forbidden by the rules, regulations and by-laws of the league. And if it isn't, it soon will be.

Dream on, King. The league will only allow you to have double the picks for so long.

The Commish has Spoken.

Granby is Back!

So good to hear from Granby and for the facts as to who and how he was bamboozled into picking against our beloved Pats. I suspected the worst, knowing that he often has unchaperoned discussions with Omaha and that Kevin and Jo invade his property at Uncanoonic. Even the sharpest of minds can wear down when repeatedly subjected to the propaganda and lies told by the Commissioner's enemies, but Granby has righted himself, explained the situation and is back to the Commish's good graces. It is no surprise that the Ghost is behind all of this. His succubus ways have been noted by others. Thank God Diane was there to prompt you into doing the right thing, as sisters always do (my sister exempted). I was surprised that the King of the North didn't join in the heinous and despicable plotting, but on further thought, Uncanoonic is way too far for him to travel from his cozy confines in Manchester.

I am also buoyed by Granby's recognition of the evil that is Omaha. Some say no way, Wayne is funny and supportive and fun, but would the devil present himself to the world as a monster or as an amiable chap who seems like a nice guy. The lesson here is "don't play cards or flip coins with the devil, with Omaha or with either." Granby has learned the lesson, but what of the rest of the league?

Congratulations Kirk. We embrace you with all that is true, right and just. I sense your scores will begin to improve immediately.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

View from the couch

This is what happened the week that I made a mistake and picked the Bengals over the Pat's that has cost me so much grief. I had fallen asleep late Wednesday evening while watching the so called news. When I woke from my sleep I realized that I had not made my picks for the week so I immediately logged on and made my selections. While I had been asleep in my chair I had had a dream. It involved Ed and he had assured me that the Pat's were sure to loose. I was reluctant to follow his recommendations but he had never led me astray before so off to bed I went. Later in my sleep I was awakened in a cold sweat thinking about what I had done.  I was only able to fall back to sleep after thinking that any thoughts or picks made by the ghost's wisdom are subject to change or could be over turned by some wine or whining. What a foolish thought that that was ~ where could that have come from?

The first to throw me under the bus was my whinny sniveling syndical bratty little sister. ok ~ so I took your lollypop when you were four. GET OVER IT!

A few weeks ago I called a member to chat. While chatting I told that member that I was having difficulties making a particular pick. I told that member that I had to flip a coin to make a decision, that member said that IT did the same and we both came up with the same team. A week later after reading the results I quickly realized that that member had been less than honest with me. Shame on you! Oh and by the way, you should  have used my coin toss.

Kevin, after reading your last message I am guessing that someone had left the room and you were now allowed to speak your mind. I hope I don't regret this, but much of what you said was true.  This charade and many others must stop!

Ct is back!

Re: Ghost

Regarding Deland's post concerning the Ghost.

Today I received a call from President Obama. He told me that in these difficult times it is more essential than ever that the integrity of the league remain intact. Thus all accusations of league members not making their own picks, no matter how delusional, paranoid or fictitious, will be investigated thoroughly to ascertain the truth. To help facilitate this endeavor President Obama has named me his GO Zone Czar.

The Ghost has been accused of not making his own picks. Now I want to assure you that after an exhaustive 5 minute investigation I have determined beyond any doubt that the Ghost does in fact choose his own picks. This case is now closed. It would be un-American to question these findings.

 However the Ghost has accused the Duke of Deland of not choosing his own picks. There is ample evidence that this is the case. Therefore I will be conducting an investigation into Deland's fraudulent picks as well as his possible ties to terrorism. Under my authority as Go Zone Czar, which is derived from the Office of the President of the United States of America, all points accumulated by Deland will be suspended until further notice as the investigation proceeds over the next 3 to 5 years. Thank you for your cooperation.

Patrick O'Leary
The King in the North
GO Zone Czar

Week 8 Picks

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Enough is enough. This charade has to end. The ghost has not been seen to make a pick or post for four years now. It is comparable to the last time the Cubs won the series. The Commish has been standing ah, sitting by aimlessly which Pick His Nose Patrick makes picks for him. The SAC-less needs to commence with a formal request as to his whereabouts. The only owner who has missed every meeting in the league's glorious history. And what is up with Windsor Locks and Granby. Big talk no action. Haven't heard from Peterborough in a decade. Time for Ft. Myers to step up. Bran's theory of picking birds is for the birds.

Best to all

When not to pick

Looks like you shouldn't make picks and be having wine according to Diane, JoAnne and Bran's results. Omaha, not sure of the problem

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday Night Picks

Thursday Night

The King and the Ghost pick the Broncos.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Omaha is in

Omaha's picks are in.  Last week I picked the Bears over the Dolphins, but then I went to the game while in Chicago.  The Bears fans were so obnoxious, I cheered for the Phins.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Week 7 Observations

1. Winners of the Week. Wayne, Karen, Ed, Mike and Jo were all 11-4, but Ed missed out on the Monday Night game point. The rest all gained a point on Ed, who  continues to lead the league.

2.Unanimous picks were 3-1. The Pats, the Ravens, and Buffalo all won, while the Bears lost. If Kirk hadn't have picked the Raiders over the Cards,  then it would have been 4-1.

3. Updated Pictures. Diane, Kevin, Jo, Sean and Bran all came through with new pictures for the bottom line on the picks chart. I went to social media to get new ones for Wayne, Karen, Kirk, Ed,  Patrick, Marc and Luke. Five of thirteen league members responded. Not bad!

4.Graphics Overhauled. The IT department spent considerable time generating all new team icons and standardizing the failed picks icons. This should result in more accuracy in column totals.

5. Rather be Lucky than Good Department. The ghost still leads Deland by 2 (79-77),  but the Commish has moved up to 76. Omaha, the King and Sanford continue to put on the heat with 74, with Karen and Luke staying in the hunt with 73 and 72. Marc had a tough week which dropped him back a bit.

And now, Chappie watching the Red Sox lose. They never won in his adult lifetime.

Week 8 Picks Chart

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Week 7 Stats

Sunday, October 19, 2014

My Dad aka the ghost should have the Texans Monday night same as me.

Week 7 Picks

Friday, October 17, 2014

The King Responds

LOL. What an eyesore. What's going on here? Does D league...err. I mean Deland need such a huge trophy to prop up his fragile ego? Or is it so big in order to match his inflated sense of self worth? You're not that good. Try winning back to back FULL seasons then come talk to me. Or may be I'm just over thinking things. Clearly the Defenderland is simply overcompensating for something else. I wonder what that could be LOL.

I guess the next time me, Deland and the trophy are in a room together with the Commish and a camera, I'll present it to him or whatever. May be the ghost can be convinced to pay a visit and help facilitate this gathering. Anyway congrats to Uncle Kev. I guess.

His Grace,
The King in the North

Karma 3

The Mille and Chappie trophies have been delivered to the league's winter office in Fort Myers, FL. The recipient, Kevin, has requested that the trophies be presented to him by the King of the North, Patrick, and not the Commissioner, with whom he has had words of late. The frostiness of that relationship has shown up in blog posts recently, with Kevin calling the Commish "demonly" and accusing him of "usurping of power."

The league eagerly awaits the King's acceptance of this honor.

The 2913 Chappie, The Thinker, the 2013 Millie:

Karma 2

The Patriots have been home underdogs three times since 2005.

Their record in those 3 games?



Good teams win when they don't play well.
The Commish aka the league office has again suppressed a progressive idea that we add one college game each week to the weekly picks. The game would be solely the choice of the usurping of power Commish. However, upon instant review by the Commish, he has unilaterally decided to somehow persuade the SAC-less to not hear my plea. In accordance with no known bylaw the Commish demonly feels it would give Omaha a decided advantage in the pool due to his endless and futile tracking of college football. Now looking at past results of Omaha's pool picks, I think the owners are  more than marginally safe assuming any advantage.
Two proposed amendments from Deland have been shot down within twenty-four hours time. That is faster than it took Ray Rice to get out of the elevator. If this does not make the Ghost come forward then he must be in another world. I have heard upon good source that our Commish has contacted Goodell for advise. Notice the silence.
Windsor Locks-easy on the blueberry wine
Best to all


Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Duke

Omaha-have a great time with junior. I'm picking da Bears.
King pushover of the North-what happened to the defender.
The ghost-lucky picks so far.
Commish-get off the family thing
Karen-not bad for a rookie
Brandy-the object is most points not least
Jo-must have sympathy pains for. Bran
Marc-must have closed his eyes to pick last week
Luke-don't quit the day job
Seano-let Kyle make your picks
Diane-I think she is sniffing blueberries again
Granby -
you must be related to Omaha with those picks

I would like to thank all the owners for the many cards and gifts upon congratulating Deland after sweeping last season. Some sent money which I kept due to my professional standing.

The SAC had no sac by tabling my recent bid to have bonus points go to an owner who is the sole one to pick a winner. Typical. Sorry Bran.

For all you geography gurus our address is below. 25 minutes from New Smyrna Beach, 25 minutes north of Orlando, 20 minutes south of Daytona. Omaha, check out Victoria Hills CC and end to Kirk because he can't read.

202 Addington Dr.
Deland. FL. 32724

Best to all

Thursday Night Picks