Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Ghost Sighting?

There have been reports that the Ghost has been (and I do mean 'has been') sighted, but without any communication available. These occasional sightings are tricky, because, much like Sasquatch, none can be verified and any communication attempted sounds more like gooblety gook than any form of English.

The King of the North can easily verify the Ghosts reality by having him post on the Go Zone blog. It is easy to do, although Marc and Luke have not mastered it of yet, and will provide half the information needed to verify he is actually making his own picks. This can be difficult, for in a recent phone conversation with him, I asked him if he read the blog. He said he did. I asked him about a specific point I made in my latest post. He said he couldn't remember the specifics but the overall post sounded familiar. I asked him specifics on three other posts. I got the same answer. I asked him about specifics of an imaginary post I never made. I got the same answer. He obviously doesn't read the Go Zone posts.

People send me purported pictures they have taken of the Ghost in the wild, but just as this latest one, they are easily disproven.

And while some say this is actually a picture of Sen. Ted Cruz from Texas, that is patently false, and politics will not rear its ugly head on this blog.