Sunday, October 26, 2014

View from the couch

This is what happened the week that I made a mistake and picked the Bengals over the Pat's that has cost me so much grief. I had fallen asleep late Wednesday evening while watching the so called news. When I woke from my sleep I realized that I had not made my picks for the week so I immediately logged on and made my selections. While I had been asleep in my chair I had had a dream. It involved Ed and he had assured me that the Pat's were sure to loose. I was reluctant to follow his recommendations but he had never led me astray before so off to bed I went. Later in my sleep I was awakened in a cold sweat thinking about what I had done.  I was only able to fall back to sleep after thinking that any thoughts or picks made by the ghost's wisdom are subject to change or could be over turned by some wine or whining. What a foolish thought that that was ~ where could that have come from?

The first to throw me under the bus was my whinny sniveling syndical bratty little sister. ok ~ so I took your lollypop when you were four. GET OVER IT!

A few weeks ago I called a member to chat. While chatting I told that member that I was having difficulties making a particular pick. I told that member that I had to flip a coin to make a decision, that member said that IT did the same and we both came up with the same team. A week later after reading the results I quickly realized that that member had been less than honest with me. Shame on you! Oh and by the way, you should  have used my coin toss.

Kevin, after reading your last message I am guessing that someone had left the room and you were now allowed to speak your mind. I hope I don't regret this, but much of what you said was true.  This charade and many others must stop!

Ct is back!