Friday, December 5, 2014

Big Red Loves the Bears and Pelini and Hates the Patriots...I Rest My Case

Big Red,

Your fascination with the Bears is understandable, my own son shares your regard. The Bears have solid players in key positions on offense, and, if they run the ball, their defense can get by. But after blowout after blowout after blowout when facing average to good teams...well, you might anticipate another blowout.

And then there is your hatred of the Patriots. I know you do not have much history in New England, but still, what is there to hate? A coach who loves football? A quarterback who has won three Superbowls and gone to five? I just don't get Patriot haters, but you can pick whom you like in this league.

But finally, there is Pelini. What do you find likeable about the oaf? He is abusive towards Nebraska fans, towards referees and towards his own players, on occasion. He apparently cannot speak without spitting and raising his voice. They just dumped him for a guy who has lost as many as he has won, but who is a great guy to his players and his fans.

It cannot be said that Nebraska is so liberal that Pelini could not last. It can be said that Pelini was so neanderthal that he couldn't last, even in Nebraska, given that Sen. Johanns is against every initiative by Obama, even the conservative ones, and Sen. Fischer is a big fan of the ozone layer being depleted. This would seem to be a safe state for the likes of Pelini to inhabit, but no, for some unfathomable reason, they want a homosapien coaching their football team. Go figure.

League members have rallied to your cause, which speaks volumes to your personal warmth and sincerity. League members are the league, and I speak for them when I say follow your heart and pick as you choose (as long as you pick the Pats).