Sunday, October 26, 2014

Re: Ghost

Regarding Deland's post concerning the Ghost.

Today I received a call from President Obama. He told me that in these difficult times it is more essential than ever that the integrity of the league remain intact. Thus all accusations of league members not making their own picks, no matter how delusional, paranoid or fictitious, will be investigated thoroughly to ascertain the truth. To help facilitate this endeavor President Obama has named me his GO Zone Czar.

The Ghost has been accused of not making his own picks. Now I want to assure you that after an exhaustive 5 minute investigation I have determined beyond any doubt that the Ghost does in fact choose his own picks. This case is now closed. It would be un-American to question these findings.

 However the Ghost has accused the Duke of Deland of not choosing his own picks. There is ample evidence that this is the case. Therefore I will be conducting an investigation into Deland's fraudulent picks as well as his possible ties to terrorism. Under my authority as Go Zone Czar, which is derived from the Office of the President of the United States of America, all points accumulated by Deland will be suspended until further notice as the investigation proceeds over the next 3 to 5 years. Thank you for your cooperation.

Patrick O'Leary
The King in the North
GO Zone Czar