Monday, October 27, 2014

Granby is Back!

So good to hear from Granby and for the facts as to who and how he was bamboozled into picking against our beloved Pats. I suspected the worst, knowing that he often has unchaperoned discussions with Omaha and that Kevin and Jo invade his property at Uncanoonic. Even the sharpest of minds can wear down when repeatedly subjected to the propaganda and lies told by the Commissioner's enemies, but Granby has righted himself, explained the situation and is back to the Commish's good graces. It is no surprise that the Ghost is behind all of this. His succubus ways have been noted by others. Thank God Diane was there to prompt you into doing the right thing, as sisters always do (my sister exempted). I was surprised that the King of the North didn't join in the heinous and despicable plotting, but on further thought, Uncanoonic is way too far for him to travel from his cozy confines in Manchester.

I am also buoyed by Granby's recognition of the evil that is Omaha. Some say no way, Wayne is funny and supportive and fun, but would the devil present himself to the world as a monster or as an amiable chap who seems like a nice guy. The lesson here is "don't play cards or flip coins with the devil, with Omaha or with either." Granby has learned the lesson, but what of the rest of the league?

Congratulations Kirk. We embrace you with all that is true, right and just. I sense your scores will begin to improve immediately.