Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Revisionist history

Our esteemed Commish puts a favorable slant to history, favorable to him, that is. He describes the round-about steps I had to go through to get into the Zone, but fails to mention that about 3 weeks ago even those steps stopped working. I was completely booted out - no entry, no way to post - nothing. It was only after I threatened legal action that he reinstated me to the Zone. And I haven't ruled out such action in the future. Not only do I still have to go through these numerous circular steps to get in, but now I am the recipient of these vicious lies and accusations. He contends I somehow hit Bran's name when filling out the survey one week. Oh puleeeeze. My name is the first one listed on the survey, and Bran's name is well down the list. I would have to seek it out to select it, and why would I do that? The truth is our Commish, likely in a drunken stupor, or perhaps deliberately, got my survey confused with Bran's, and now accuses me of misfiling it. All of his vicious accusations are just a smokescreen to shift attention away from his blatant attempt to sabotage and change my picks. The Colt logo this past week tripped him up and caught red-handed, he attempts to brush it off as a clerical mistake while refusing to give me my beloved Packer pick. I guess he thinks he's Czar for life.