Monday, October 27, 2014

Et tu Granby?

Let's see now...

First our sniveling SOB esteemed commissioner slanders my good name by placing me in Satan's camp, then Granby, obviously under the influence of bad home brew  his two soulless cousins, cads both of them, fabricates unwarranted blame towards me for offering wise advice in picking his teams.

Granby has obviously been poisoned by the bribes and false promises of  these two Florida sissies who flee south every winter like the nasty geese who shit all over New England golf courses.   That's the price you pay for allowing such scoundrels entry to your lakeside home.  Like roaches, they contaminate your vacation abode and - apparently - also your mind.

You should know that Kevin was a shortstop who fielded too many grounders with his head, and Michael is a wannabe Hell's Angel who has spilled his hog so many times he has a permanent concussion.

Granby has obviously watched too many showings of the Godfather by keeping his wise and Saintly uncle close, and his enemies - The Florida Mafia - closer. 

So sayeth the Oracle of Omaha.