Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Facts, not Omaha's Fiction

1. I did not boot Omaha from the Go Zone, although he was booted by technology. When he attempted to sign in to the Go Zone with his proper id and password. he received a message saying that was the wrong info. Omaha would then click out of the page, go to his favorites and choose the Go Zone. He would be greeting with "Welcome Wayne," but with no where to click to send a new post. After working with the Commish, to no avail, the Commish established a totally new id and password and google email account for him. The Commish then sent an invitation to the Go Zone, went to Omaha's new email account and accepted. When Omaha attempted to sign in with this new email id and password, he was once again refused. He clicked out, went to favorites and chose Go Zone and got in, this time with posting privileges. How Omaha sees this as the Commish "booting him out" is beyond comprehension. There is obviously a glitch between Omaha's computer and the Go Zone site.

2. On Sunday of Week 8, I called Omaha and reminded him to make his picks. He went postal, saying he had made his picks and this was just another example of God Knows What. As he was ranting, I checked the Survey Monkey and found that Bran/Ryan seemed to have chosen twice.

Notice that on one of her choices, the IP number is the same as Karen's. Omaha over the phone dictated his choices and they were the same as the first Bran choices. I told Omaha of this situation, and he insisted that the Survey Monkey, in cahoots with Google and the Commissioner conspired to corrupt his picks. I suggested that, given his hand shakes quite a bit anyway, he may have moved the cursor enough to have picked Bran's name. He denied not only this, but even the possibility of this happening, then went into one of his tirades against Google, the Commish and various other ills he sees in the world. Quite an interesting list, actually. But, the fact remains computers are a tool; what you put in is what you get out.

3. This seems to be Omaha's draft. He has left in his cross outs which indicate it was his first attempt. I am sure that when he finishes his post it will be absent such cross outs and generally more intelligible.

Mike O
Commissioner of the Go Zone Football League
President for Life of the Go Zone Football League