Tuesday, December 2, 2014

This is an outrage

First, the Commish boots me out of the Go Zone. He denies my picks two weeks ago, then claims they were submitted under someone's else's name. Then he again denies me access to the forum. After several phone calls and nasty emails, he finally grants me temporary access. So then what does he do? Instead of giving me my Packers pick, he gives me the Colts over the Patriots, then marks it down as a loss when they don't play each other. His latest ploy is to now claim I picked the Patriots over my beloved Packers. This dastardly Commish will resort to any ploy to deny me my rightful place at the top of this league. My only mistake? Not making my picks by email and blind-copying myself to provide proof of my picks. I suspect many of my picks have been altered by this cad we laughingly call our Commissioner. I request an emergency meeting of the Senior Advisory Board, or whatever he calls it, fire this bastard...fine this thief...investigate and assemble the facts that will will result in firing...disqualifying...executing...all of the above...exposing him for the scoundrel he is. Respectfully submitted, Omaha