Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Week 5 Observations

1. The Ghost Holds On, the Duke of Deland Inches Up, Sanford Falters. The Ghost stills leads with 55 points, but he is being squeezed by brothers Kevin (54) and Mike (53).  Sean dropped to 3 points behind with 52 points, tying the King of the North. Wayne (51), Luke (50) and Karen (49) also stayed in the running. Marc and Diane have 47 points, Kirk 45, Jo 44 and Brandy 43.

2. Winners of the Week. Omaha, the Duke and the Boss all had 14 points to win the week. There were 4 with 13 and 2 with 12  to make for a high scoring week.

3. Pick of the Week. Luke was the only league member to pick successfully the Bills over the Bears. In Kevin's unofficial proposal, Luke would get 2 extra points. At a Senior Advisory Committee meeting Kevin's proposal was considered "gimmicky" and unnecessarily complicated. If he brings it to the Council officially, its fate seems doomed.

4. Unanimous Picks Successful. The Pack, the Eagles, the Saints, the Chargers and the Seahawks all won, making the league 5 for 5 in unanimous picks this week. Luke's Bills pick saved the league the embarrassment of unanimously backing a loser.

5. Kirk, Oh Kirk. Why? The league is used to the King of the North picking against the Pats. In fact, we were shocked when the Ghost didn't as well. They are soulless, nazi bean counters who would vote against God if the odds looked good enough. They are not football fans, but automatons who wager to win at any cost. It is permitted to pick against the Pats in the playoffs, where everything is on the line. But Kirk, to join the degenerates and give up on the Pats so soon? Oh, the shame, the inhumanity.