Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Observations of Week 6

1.  Marcus on the Move. The winner of the week was Marc with a 13-1 record and 14 points. Unfortunately, The Ghost had a lucky 12-2 week, pushing his lead to 2 points over Kevin, who had a 11-3 week. Also coming in a 11-3 were Big Red, the King, Peterborough, and Sanford. So, we now have the Ghost leading with 68 points, then the Duke with 66, then Patrick, the Commish and Sean next with 64, Luke and Wayne with 62 and Karen and Marc with 61.

2. Pick of the Week goes to Cali for picking the Cowboys over Seattle. She had two other singular picks that both lost, Tampa Bay over the Ravens and the Redskins over the Cards.

3. Patriot Hater or Bills Lover? Omaha picked the Bills over the Pats (and the Dolphins over the Pack). I put this squarely on Kirk who broke ranks last week, thus allowing cover for Omaha to express his Patriot hatred.

4. Still Parsing "family". I am still mystified by Diane's post with "family" written in the topic line and with nothing in the message. Is she championing families in general, or her family specifically? Is she admonishing us for being a good family? Is she saying that families exist as topics only, but have no substance? If anyone can help me out with this, I'd appreciate it.

5. Blog Postings are Disappointing. Most of the non-commish postings have been procedural in nature and aimed at the Commish. The Observations each week have decent views, but little of no response. One assumes that when someone is called a godless, nazi bean counter and accepts that without a response, then he probably is a godless, nazi bean counter. Good to know. The highest viewership for a post is Diane's "family" post with 11 views. But half of those must be repeat views by me as I ponder the post obsessively.