Thursday, October 30, 2014
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Week 9 Picks Form
Ghost Sighting?
There have been reports that the Ghost has been (and I do mean 'has been') sighted, but without any communication available. These occasional sightings are tricky, because, much like Sasquatch, none can be verified and any communication attempted sounds more like gooblety gook than any form of English.
The King of the North can easily verify the Ghosts reality by having him post on the Go Zone blog. It is easy to do, although Marc and Luke have not mastered it of yet, and will provide half the information needed to verify he is actually making his own picks. This can be difficult, for in a recent phone conversation with him, I asked him if he read the blog. He said he did. I asked him about a specific point I made in my latest post. He said he couldn't remember the specifics but the overall post sounded familiar. I asked him specifics on three other posts. I got the same answer. I asked him about specifics of an imaginary post I never made. I got the same answer. He obviously doesn't read the Go Zone posts.
People send me purported pictures they have taken of the Ghost in the wild, but just as this latest one, they are easily disproven.
And while some say this is actually a picture of Sen. Ted Cruz from Texas, that is patently false, and politics will not rear its ugly head on this blog.
The King of the North can easily verify the Ghosts reality by having him post on the Go Zone blog. It is easy to do, although Marc and Luke have not mastered it of yet, and will provide half the information needed to verify he is actually making his own picks. This can be difficult, for in a recent phone conversation with him, I asked him if he read the blog. He said he did. I asked him about a specific point I made in my latest post. He said he couldn't remember the specifics but the overall post sounded familiar. I asked him specifics on three other posts. I got the same answer. I asked him about specifics of an imaginary post I never made. I got the same answer. He obviously doesn't read the Go Zone posts.
People send me purported pictures they have taken of the Ghost in the wild, but just as this latest one, they are easily disproven.
And while some say this is actually a picture of Sen. Ted Cruz from Texas, that is patently false, and politics will not rear its ugly head on this blog.
Re: The Go Zone Czar
The investigation into Deland is ongoing. You may summit a petition requesting the release of all documents concerning this case under the Freedom of Information Act but I must inform you that all information pertaining to this case including evidence and the identity of whistleblowers has been classified and sealed.
Also Executive Orders from the President supersede all league rules, regulations and by laws.
As Go Zone Czar I have appointed a special prosecutor to aid in the investigation of Deland as well as looking into a possible investigation of the Commissioner's Office for fraud as well. We will be relentless. This libel against the Ghost must be put to an end. Thank you for your cooperation.
The King in the North
Go Zone Czar
Also Executive Orders from the President supersede all league rules, regulations and by laws.
As Go Zone Czar I have appointed a special prosecutor to aid in the investigation of Deland as well as looking into a possible investigation of the Commissioner's Office for fraud as well. We will be relentless. This libel against the Ghost must be put to an end. Thank you for your cooperation.
The King in the North
Go Zone Czar
Monday, October 27, 2014
Et tu Granby?
Let's see now...
First oursniveling SOB esteemed commissioner slanders my good name by placing me in Satan's camp, then Granby, obviously under the influence of bad home brew his two soulless cousins, cads both of them, fabricates unwarranted blame towards me for offering wise advice in picking his teams.
Granby has obviously been poisoned by the bribes and false promises of these two Florida sissies who flee south every winter like the nasty geese who shit all over New England golf courses. That's the price you pay for allowing such scoundrels entry to your lakeside home. Like roaches, they contaminate your vacation abode and - apparently - also your mind.
You should know that Kevin was a shortstop who fielded too many grounders with his head, and Michael is a wannabe Hell's Angel who has spilled his hog so many times he has a permanent concussion.
Granby has obviously watched too many showings of the Godfather by keeping his wise and Saintly uncle close, and his enemies - The Florida Mafia - closer.
So sayeth the Oracle of Omaha.
First our
Granby has obviously been poisoned by the bribes and false promises of these two Florida sissies who flee south every winter like the nasty geese who shit all over New England golf courses. That's the price you pay for allowing such scoundrels entry to your lakeside home. Like roaches, they contaminate your vacation abode and - apparently - also your mind.
You should know that Kevin was a shortstop who fielded too many grounders with his head, and Michael is a wannabe Hell's Angel who has spilled his hog so many times he has a permanent concussion.
Granby has obviously watched too many showings of the Godfather by keeping his wise and Saintly uncle close, and his enemies - The Florida Mafia - closer.
So sayeth the Oracle of Omaha.
Re: tthe Go Zone Czar
It is the height of delusion when the King attempts to reveal his world. President Obama? Really? Could you go off the tracks any quicker? Let's see. No one has heard from the Ghost but you. And you say you investigated (5 minutes worth) and found that he did. But you claim Deland is not making his own picks. As you are 1700 miles away when Deland makes his picks, that would seem to let you out of any information about his picking procedure.
There is no Obama intervention here, there will be no Go Zone Czar, as it is forbidden by the rules, regulations and by-laws of the league. And if it isn't, it soon will be.
Dream on, King. The league will only allow you to have double the picks for so long.
The Commish has Spoken.
There is no Obama intervention here, there will be no Go Zone Czar, as it is forbidden by the rules, regulations and by-laws of the league. And if it isn't, it soon will be.
Dream on, King. The league will only allow you to have double the picks for so long.
The Commish has Spoken.
Granby is Back!
So good to hear from Granby and for the facts as to who and how he was bamboozled into picking against our beloved Pats. I suspected the worst, knowing that he often has unchaperoned discussions with Omaha and that Kevin and Jo invade his property at Uncanoonic. Even the sharpest of minds can wear down when repeatedly subjected to the propaganda and lies told by the Commissioner's enemies, but Granby has righted himself, explained the situation and is back to the Commish's good graces. It is no surprise that the Ghost is behind all of this. His succubus ways have been noted by others. Thank God Diane was there to prompt you into doing the right thing, as sisters always do (my sister exempted). I was surprised that the King of the North didn't join in the heinous and despicable plotting, but on further thought, Uncanoonic is way too far for him to travel from his cozy confines in Manchester.
I am also buoyed by Granby's recognition of the evil that is Omaha. Some say no way, Wayne is funny and supportive and fun, but would the devil present himself to the world as a monster or as an amiable chap who seems like a nice guy. The lesson here is "don't play cards or flip coins with the devil, with Omaha or with either." Granby has learned the lesson, but what of the rest of the league?
Congratulations Kirk. We embrace you with all that is true, right and just. I sense your scores will begin to improve immediately.
I am also buoyed by Granby's recognition of the evil that is Omaha. Some say no way, Wayne is funny and supportive and fun, but would the devil present himself to the world as a monster or as an amiable chap who seems like a nice guy. The lesson here is "don't play cards or flip coins with the devil, with Omaha or with either." Granby has learned the lesson, but what of the rest of the league?
Congratulations Kirk. We embrace you with all that is true, right and just. I sense your scores will begin to improve immediately.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
View from the couch
This is what happened the week that I made a mistake and picked the Bengals over the Pat's that has cost me so much grief. I had fallen asleep late Wednesday evening while watching the so called news. When I woke from my sleep I realized that I had not made my picks for the week so I immediately logged on and made my selections. While I had been asleep in my chair I had had a dream. It involved Ed and he had assured me that the Pat's were sure to loose. I was reluctant to follow his recommendations but he had never led me astray before so off to bed I went. Later in my sleep I was awakened in a cold sweat thinking about what I had done. I was only able to fall back to sleep after thinking that any thoughts or picks made by the ghost's wisdom are subject to change or could be over turned by some wine or whining. What a foolish thought that that was ~ where could that have come from?
The first to throw me under the bus was my whinny sniveling syndical bratty little sister. ok ~ so I took your lollypop when you were four. GET OVER IT!
A few weeks ago I called a member to chat. While chatting I told that member that I was having difficulties making a particular pick. I told that member that I had to flip a coin to make a decision, that member said that IT did the same and we both came up with the same team. A week later after reading the results I quickly realized that that member had been less than honest with me. Shame on you! Oh and by the way, you should have used my coin toss.
Kevin, after reading your last message I am guessing that someone had left the room and you were now allowed to speak your mind. I hope I don't regret this, but much of what you said was true. This charade and many others must stop!
Ct is back!
This is what happened the week that I made a mistake and picked the Bengals over the Pat's that has cost me so much grief. I had fallen asleep late Wednesday evening while watching the so called news. When I woke from my sleep I realized that I had not made my picks for the week so I immediately logged on and made my selections. While I had been asleep in my chair I had had a dream. It involved Ed and he had assured me that the Pat's were sure to loose. I was reluctant to follow his recommendations but he had never led me astray before so off to bed I went. Later in my sleep I was awakened in a cold sweat thinking about what I had done. I was only able to fall back to sleep after thinking that any thoughts or picks made by the ghost's wisdom are subject to change or could be over turned by some wine or whining. What a foolish thought that that was ~ where could that have come from?
The first to throw me under the bus was my whinny sniveling syndical bratty little sister. ok ~ so I took your lollypop when you were four. GET OVER IT!
A few weeks ago I called a member to chat. While chatting I told that member that I was having difficulties making a particular pick. I told that member that I had to flip a coin to make a decision, that member said that IT did the same and we both came up with the same team. A week later after reading the results I quickly realized that that member had been less than honest with me. Shame on you! Oh and by the way, you should have used my coin toss.
Kevin, after reading your last message I am guessing that someone had left the room and you were now allowed to speak your mind. I hope I don't regret this, but much of what you said was true. This charade and many others must stop!
Ct is back!
Re: Ghost
Regarding Deland's post concerning the Ghost.
Today I received a call from President Obama. He told me that in these difficult times it is more essential than ever that the integrity of the league remain intact. Thus all accusations of league members not making their own picks, no matter how delusional, paranoid or fictitious, will be investigated thoroughly to ascertain the truth. To help facilitate this endeavor President Obama has named me his GO Zone Czar.
The Ghost has been accused of not making his own picks. Now I want to assure you that after an exhaustive 5 minute investigation I have determined beyond any doubt that the Ghost does in fact choose his own picks. This case is now closed. It would be un-American to question these findings.
However the Ghost has accused the Duke of Deland of not choosing his own picks. There is ample evidence that this is the case. Therefore I will be conducting an investigation into Deland's fraudulent picks as well as his possible ties to terrorism. Under my authority as Go Zone Czar, which is derived from the Office of the President of the United States of America, all points accumulated by Deland will be suspended until further notice as the investigation proceeds over the next 3 to 5 years. Thank you for your cooperation.
Patrick O'Leary
The King in the North
GO Zone Czar
Today I received a call from President Obama. He told me that in these difficult times it is more essential than ever that the integrity of the league remain intact. Thus all accusations of league members not making their own picks, no matter how delusional, paranoid or fictitious, will be investigated thoroughly to ascertain the truth. To help facilitate this endeavor President Obama has named me his GO Zone Czar.
The Ghost has been accused of not making his own picks. Now I want to assure you that after an exhaustive 5 minute investigation I have determined beyond any doubt that the Ghost does in fact choose his own picks. This case is now closed. It would be un-American to question these findings.
However the Ghost has accused the Duke of Deland of not choosing his own picks. There is ample evidence that this is the case. Therefore I will be conducting an investigation into Deland's fraudulent picks as well as his possible ties to terrorism. Under my authority as Go Zone Czar, which is derived from the Office of the President of the United States of America, all points accumulated by Deland will be suspended until further notice as the investigation proceeds over the next 3 to 5 years. Thank you for your cooperation.
Patrick O'Leary
The King in the North
GO Zone Czar
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Enough is enough. This charade has to end. The ghost has not been seen to make a pick or post for four years now. It is comparable to the last time the Cubs won the series. The Commish has been standing ah, sitting by aimlessly which Pick His Nose Patrick makes picks for him. The SAC-less needs to commence with a formal request as to his whereabouts. The only owner who has missed every meeting in the league's glorious history. And what is up with Windsor Locks and Granby. Big talk no action. Haven't heard from Peterborough in a decade. Time for Ft. Myers to step up. Bran's theory of picking birds is for the birds.
Best to all
Best to all
When not to pick
Looks like you shouldn't make picks and be having wine according to Diane, JoAnne and Bran's results. Omaha, not sure of the problem
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Omaha is in
Omaha's picks are in. Last week I picked the Bears over the Dolphins, but then I went to the game while in Chicago. The Bears fans were so obnoxious, I cheered for the Phins.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Week 7 Observations
1. Winners of the Week. Wayne, Karen, Ed, Mike and Jo were all 11-4, but Ed missed out on the Monday Night game point. The rest all gained a point on Ed, who continues to lead the league.
2.Unanimous picks were 3-1. The Pats, the Ravens, and Buffalo all won, while the Bears lost. If Kirk hadn't have picked the Raiders over the Cards, then it would have been 4-1.
3. Updated Pictures. Diane, Kevin, Jo, Sean and Bran all came through with new pictures for the bottom line on the picks chart. I went to social media to get new ones for Wayne, Karen, Kirk, Ed, Patrick, Marc and Luke. Five of thirteen league members responded. Not bad!
4.Graphics Overhauled. The IT department spent considerable time generating all new team icons and standardizing the failed picks icons. This should result in more accuracy in column totals.
5. Rather be Lucky than Good Department. The ghost still leads Deland by 2 (79-77), but the Commish has moved up to 76. Omaha, the King and Sanford continue to put on the heat with 74, with Karen and Luke staying in the hunt with 73 and 72. Marc had a tough week which dropped him back a bit.
And now, Chappie watching the Red Sox lose. They never won in his adult lifetime.
2.Unanimous picks were 3-1. The Pats, the Ravens, and Buffalo all won, while the Bears lost. If Kirk hadn't have picked the Raiders over the Cards, then it would have been 4-1.
3. Updated Pictures. Diane, Kevin, Jo, Sean and Bran all came through with new pictures for the bottom line on the picks chart. I went to social media to get new ones for Wayne, Karen, Kirk, Ed, Patrick, Marc and Luke. Five of thirteen league members responded. Not bad!
4.Graphics Overhauled. The IT department spent considerable time generating all new team icons and standardizing the failed picks icons. This should result in more accuracy in column totals.
5. Rather be Lucky than Good Department. The ghost still leads Deland by 2 (79-77), but the Commish has moved up to 76. Omaha, the King and Sanford continue to put on the heat with 74, with Karen and Luke staying in the hunt with 73 and 72. Marc had a tough week which dropped him back a bit.
And now, Chappie watching the Red Sox lose. They never won in his adult lifetime.
Week 8 Picks Chart
Friday, October 17, 2014
The King Responds

LOL. What an eyesore. What's going on here? Does D league...err. I mean Deland need such a huge trophy to prop up his fragile ego? Or is it so big in order to match his inflated sense of self worth? You're not that good. Try winning back to back FULL seasons then come talk to me. Or may be I'm just over thinking things. Clearly the Defenderland is simply overcompensating for something else. I wonder what that could be LOL.
I guess the next time me, Deland and the trophy are in a room together with the Commish and a camera, I'll present it to him or whatever. May be the ghost can be convinced to pay a visit and help facilitate this gathering. Anyway congrats to Uncle Kev. I guess.
His Grace,
The King in the North
Karma 3
The Mille and Chappie trophies have been delivered to the league's winter office in Fort Myers, FL. The recipient, Kevin, has requested that the trophies be presented to him by the King of the North, Patrick, and not the Commissioner, with whom he has had words of late. The frostiness of that relationship has shown up in blog posts recently, with Kevin calling the Commish "demonly" and accusing him of "usurping of power."
The league eagerly awaits the King's acceptance of this honor.
The 2913 Chappie, The Thinker, the 2013 Millie:
The league eagerly awaits the King's acceptance of this honor.
The 2913 Chappie, The Thinker, the 2013 Millie:
Karma 2
The Patriots have been home underdogs three times since 2005.
Their record in those 3 games?
Their record in those 3 games?
Good teams win when they don't play well.
The Commish aka the league office has again suppressed a progressive idea that we add one college game each week to the weekly picks. The game would be solely the choice of the usurping of power Commish. However, upon instant review by the Commish, he has unilaterally decided to somehow persuade the SAC-less to not hear my plea. In accordance with no known bylaw the Commish demonly feels it would give Omaha a decided advantage in the pool due to his endless and futile tracking of college football. Now looking at past results of Omaha's pool picks, I think the owners are more than marginally safe assuming any advantage.
Two proposed amendments from Deland have been shot down within twenty-four hours time. That is faster than it took Ray Rice to get out of the elevator. If this does not make the Ghost come forward then he must be in another world. I have heard upon good source that our Commish has contacted Goodell for advise. Notice the silence.
Windsor Locks-easy on the blueberry wine
Best to all
The Commish aka the league office has again suppressed a progressive idea that we add one college game each week to the weekly picks. The game would be solely the choice of the usurping of power Commish. However, upon instant review by the Commish, he has unilaterally decided to somehow persuade the SAC-less to not hear my plea. In accordance with no known bylaw the Commish demonly feels it would give Omaha a decided advantage in the pool due to his endless and futile tracking of college football. Now looking at past results of Omaha's pool picks, I think the owners are more than marginally safe assuming any advantage.
Two proposed amendments from Deland have been shot down within twenty-four hours time. That is faster than it took Ray Rice to get out of the elevator. If this does not make the Ghost come forward then he must be in another world. I have heard upon good source that our Commish has contacted Goodell for advise. Notice the silence.
Windsor Locks-easy on the blueberry wine
Best to all
Thursday, October 16, 2014
The Duke
Omaha-have a great time with junior. I'm picking da Bears.
King pushover of the North-what happened to the defender.
The ghost-lucky picks so far.
Commish-get off the family thing
Karen-not bad for a rookie
Brandy-the object is most points not least
Jo-must have sympathy pains for. Bran
Marc-must have closed his eyes to pick last week
Luke-don't quit the day job
Seano-let Kyle make your picks
Diane-I think she is sniffing blueberries again
Granby -
you must be related to Omaha with those picks
I would like to thank all the owners for the many cards and gifts upon congratulating Deland after sweeping last season. Some sent money which I kept due to my professional standing.
The SAC had no sac by tabling my recent bid to have bonus points go to an owner who is the sole one to pick a winner. Typical. Sorry Bran.
For all you geography gurus our address is below. 25 minutes from New Smyrna Beach, 25 minutes north of Orlando, 20 minutes south of Daytona. Omaha, check out Victoria Hills CC and end to Kirk because he can't read.
202 Addington Dr.
Deland. FL. 32724
Best to all
King pushover of the North-what happened to the defender.
The ghost-lucky picks so far.
Commish-get off the family thing
Karen-not bad for a rookie
Brandy-the object is most points not least
Jo-must have sympathy pains for. Bran
Marc-must have closed his eyes to pick last week
Luke-don't quit the day job
Seano-let Kyle make your picks
Diane-I think she is sniffing blueberries again
Granby -
you must be related to Omaha with those picks
I would like to thank all the owners for the many cards and gifts upon congratulating Deland after sweeping last season. Some sent money which I kept due to my professional standing.
The SAC had no sac by tabling my recent bid to have bonus points go to an owner who is the sole one to pick a winner. Typical. Sorry Bran.
For all you geography gurus our address is below. 25 minutes from New Smyrna Beach, 25 minutes north of Orlando, 20 minutes south of Daytona. Omaha, check out Victoria Hills CC and end to Kirk because he can't read.
202 Addington Dr.
Deland. FL. 32724
Best to all
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Omaha's picks are in. I'll be out of touch, except by cell phone, starting tomorrow, Thursday, through Monday. I'm having a father-son weekend in Chicago with Wayne Jr. we'll be attending the Nebraska at Northwestern game on Saturday, then the Phins at Bears game on Sunday.
Should be a fun weekend.
Should be a fun weekend.
family part 2
It appears that my place of employment is against me posting anything on google blogs . But it did let me post a title . Makes no sense to me . But hey as long as they don't block me from pintrest !! I believe my family post contained something about wanting to dis own my brother for his going against the Pats and how family get togethers will be few in far between if he doesnt get his act together . But looking at his score he may have more issues than just being a Pats hater . OOOHH the shame . Ok so no comments about me having the same score.
Hope all is well with everyone . :o)
Hope all is well with everyone . :o)
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
New Pics
How about getting some new pics for the bottom of the stats chart. You can upload them using the blog, or sent them to me at I'll replace your old ones as I get new ones. Sean and Bran could take the same shots with their sons but updated to their present ages. Karen, it is probably best if you take care of this for Wayne. First one in gets a ticket to beautiful, sunny and warm Fort Myers.
Observations of Week 6
1. Marcus on the Move. The winner of the week was Marc with a 13-1 record and 14 points. Unfortunately, The Ghost had a lucky 12-2 week, pushing his lead to 2 points over Kevin, who had a 11-3 week. Also coming in a 11-3 were Big Red, the King, Peterborough, and Sanford. So, we now have the Ghost leading with 68 points, then the Duke with 66, then Patrick, the Commish and Sean next with 64, Luke and Wayne with 62 and Karen and Marc with 61.
2. Pick of the Week goes to Cali for picking the Cowboys over Seattle. She had two other singular picks that both lost, Tampa Bay over the Ravens and the Redskins over the Cards.
3. Patriot Hater or Bills Lover? Omaha picked the Bills over the Pats (and the Dolphins over the Pack). I put this squarely on Kirk who broke ranks last week, thus allowing cover for Omaha to express his Patriot hatred.
4. Still Parsing "family". I am still mystified by Diane's post with "family" written in the topic line and with nothing in the message. Is she championing families in general, or her family specifically? Is she admonishing us for being a good family? Is she saying that families exist as topics only, but have no substance? If anyone can help me out with this, I'd appreciate it.
5. Blog Postings are Disappointing. Most of the non-commish postings have been procedural in nature and aimed at the Commish. The Observations each week have decent views, but little of no response. One assumes that when someone is called a godless, nazi bean counter and accepts that without a response, then he probably is a godless, nazi bean counter. Good to know. The highest viewership for a post is Diane's "family" post with 11 views. But half of those must be repeat views by me as I ponder the post obsessively.
2. Pick of the Week goes to Cali for picking the Cowboys over Seattle. She had two other singular picks that both lost, Tampa Bay over the Ravens and the Redskins over the Cards.
3. Patriot Hater or Bills Lover? Omaha picked the Bills over the Pats (and the Dolphins over the Pack). I put this squarely on Kirk who broke ranks last week, thus allowing cover for Omaha to express his Patriot hatred.
4. Still Parsing "family". I am still mystified by Diane's post with "family" written in the topic line and with nothing in the message. Is she championing families in general, or her family specifically? Is she admonishing us for being a good family? Is she saying that families exist as topics only, but have no substance? If anyone can help me out with this, I'd appreciate it.
5. Blog Postings are Disappointing. Most of the non-commish postings have been procedural in nature and aimed at the Commish. The Observations each week have decent views, but little of no response. One assumes that when someone is called a godless, nazi bean counter and accepts that without a response, then he probably is a godless, nazi bean counter. Good to know. The highest viewership for a post is Diane's "family" post with 11 views. But half of those must be repeat views by me as I ponder the post obsessively.
Week 7 Picks Form
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Thursday, October 9, 2014
You will find your name at the bottom of the list. Because the survey has responses, that is the only way I could get in on the list. Next week should be back to normal, that is your name will be after Wayne's.
BTW: Putting content which applies to the league or your specific situation in a comment could lead to that information being missed. The comment was to Diane and not everybody will read it.
BTW: Putting content which applies to the league or your specific situation in a comment could lead to that information being missed. The comment was to Diane and not everybody will read it.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Week 6 Picks Form
Week 5 Observations
1. The Ghost Holds On, the Duke of Deland Inches Up, Sanford Falters. The Ghost stills leads with 55 points, but he is being squeezed by brothers Kevin (54) and Mike (53). Sean dropped to 3 points behind with 52 points, tying the King of the North. Wayne (51), Luke (50) and Karen (49) also stayed in the running. Marc and Diane have 47 points, Kirk 45, Jo 44 and Brandy 43.
2. Winners of the Week. Omaha, the Duke and the Boss all had 14 points to win the week. There were 4 with 13 and 2 with 12 to make for a high scoring week.
3. Pick of the Week. Luke was the only league member to pick successfully the Bills over the Bears. In Kevin's unofficial proposal, Luke would get 2 extra points. At a Senior Advisory Committee meeting Kevin's proposal was considered "gimmicky" and unnecessarily complicated. If he brings it to the Council officially, its fate seems doomed.
4. Unanimous Picks Successful. The Pack, the Eagles, the Saints, the Chargers and the Seahawks all won, making the league 5 for 5 in unanimous picks this week. Luke's Bills pick saved the league the embarrassment of unanimously backing a loser.
5. Kirk, Oh Kirk. Why? The league is used to the King of the North picking against the Pats. In fact, we were shocked when the Ghost didn't as well. They are soulless, nazi bean counters who would vote against God if the odds looked good enough. They are not football fans, but automatons who wager to win at any cost. It is permitted to pick against the Pats in the playoffs, where everything is on the line. But Kirk, to join the degenerates and give up on the Pats so soon? Oh, the shame, the inhumanity.
2. Winners of the Week. Omaha, the Duke and the Boss all had 14 points to win the week. There were 4 with 13 and 2 with 12 to make for a high scoring week.
3. Pick of the Week. Luke was the only league member to pick successfully the Bills over the Bears. In Kevin's unofficial proposal, Luke would get 2 extra points. At a Senior Advisory Committee meeting Kevin's proposal was considered "gimmicky" and unnecessarily complicated. If he brings it to the Council officially, its fate seems doomed.
4. Unanimous Picks Successful. The Pack, the Eagles, the Saints, the Chargers and the Seahawks all won, making the league 5 for 5 in unanimous picks this week. Luke's Bills pick saved the league the embarrassment of unanimously backing a loser.
5. Kirk, Oh Kirk. Why? The league is used to the King of the North picking against the Pats. In fact, we were shocked when the Ghost didn't as well. They are soulless, nazi bean counters who would vote against God if the odds looked good enough. They are not football fans, but automatons who wager to win at any cost. It is permitted to pick against the Pats in the playoffs, where everything is on the line. But Kirk, to join the degenerates and give up on the Pats so soon? Oh, the shame, the inhumanity.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Slight Error
The commish needs to flip our picks for the Pats game. I got Cincy. Shockingly enough my dad does indeed have the Pats.
Friday, October 3, 2014
True Story
I needed a wheelchair and attendant to make the trip south. I was greeted in Baltimore by a Southwest employee with a wheelchair and he quickly whisked me toward my connecting terminal, a long distance away but I had plenty of time to kill. The attendant apparently did not know that, for he was pushing hard and passing other wheelchairs and even regular walkers.
As we rounded a corner an immense cheer broke out with people along the sides of the corridor applauding and standing. Of course I was taken aback, and didn't know what was going on. As I passed to another terminal, the applause behind me increased. I asked the attendant what was going on and he told me that a plane with WWII vets, most of them in wheelchairs, had disembarked and were attending the 70th anniversary of the end of WWII in Europe, and we somehow got in the middle of it.
As I was only a -2 at the end of WWII, I was at first embarrassed. Then, upon reflection I thought, hey they thought I looked old enough to have fought in WWII!
As happy and proud as I was of both the soldiers and the crowd, I couldn't help but think about how airport crowds greeted veterans of the Viet Nam era. It sometimes got pretty ugly.
I remember an army sergeant telling us to got out of our uniforms and into civvies as soon as possible.
As we rounded a corner an immense cheer broke out with people along the sides of the corridor applauding and standing. Of course I was taken aback, and didn't know what was going on. As I passed to another terminal, the applause behind me increased. I asked the attendant what was going on and he told me that a plane with WWII vets, most of them in wheelchairs, had disembarked and were attending the 70th anniversary of the end of WWII in Europe, and we somehow got in the middle of it.
As I was only a -2 at the end of WWII, I was at first embarrassed. Then, upon reflection I thought, hey they thought I looked old enough to have fought in WWII!
As happy and proud as I was of both the soldiers and the crowd, I couldn't help but think about how airport crowds greeted veterans of the Viet Nam era. It sometimes got pretty ugly.
I remember an army sergeant telling us to got out of our uniforms and into civvies as soon as possible.
Spin Queen
With the spin Boss Gramma puts on her recent picks, she should be working on someone's political campaign. Or is she??
BTW, Deland proposed a major change in the assessment of bonus points. The problem was, it was in a text message, which is strictly forbidden in the league's by-laws, so no action can be taken by the Senior Advisory Committee. The Commish and the SAC regret this immensely, especially since it was not one of his usual crackpot ideas.
The commish is flying south today, reaching the league's winter office at about 7:30.
BTW, Deland proposed a major change in the assessment of bonus points. The problem was, it was in a text message, which is strictly forbidden in the league's by-laws, so no action can be taken by the Senior Advisory Committee. The Commish and the SAC regret this immensely, especially since it was not one of his usual crackpot ideas.
The commish is flying south today, reaching the league's winter office at about 7:30.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Boss Gramma Shines Through
With Boss Gramma's amazing picks over the last 2 weeks, I have thoroughly and emphatically supported my #1 grandson Ryan and his awesome mother by pumping down my pick total to stay In line with Bran/Ry Sanford. Never let it be said that I would crush my grandson's total points in order to gain the lead. Being at a fabulous 30 points and holding the enviable low-point total is nothing short of Gramma support. Here Here to gramma/grandson/dil solidarity!
JoJo/Gramma Boss
Queen of the Bottom Least Nile
Ps. My picks have been super - it's the teams that are flawed
JoJo/Gramma Boss
Queen of the Bottom Least Nile
Ps. My picks have been super - it's the teams that are flawed
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