Monday, September 30, 2013

I have duly read the Commish's radical post about so-called "Pat's Haters,"  and after many long seconds of thought, have decided to respond thusly:


RE: Re: Hey

According to my email header, your email address is:

Ed O'Leary
Ed O'Leary's profile photo

Someone is using the wrong email! A direct violation of Go Zone protocol!

Re: Hey

In the world of A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones Kings are addressed as His Grace. Take it up with GRRM.

Falcon Lovers

THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot fan will, in this league, shrink from the service of their Patriots; but he that stands by the Pats now, deserves the love and thanks of mankind.

Betrayal, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as Loyalty should not be highly rated.

Yet the Betrayers seek out any mildly competent team to champion over our Pats. What have the Falcons done to enamor them so? Losing to the Dolphins? Choking at the end of games? Over depending on the pass? Winning one playoff game in the past 10 years? But somehow, the Patriot-Haters embrace its mediocrity, and doing so, become mediocre themselves. Eager for points, slaves to wins, they forsake their souls for a cheap and illusory reward.

But no great deal is lost yet. All that the Broncos have been doing for this month past is rather a ravage than a conquest, which the spirit of the Patriots, a year ago, would have quickly repulsed, and which time and a little resolution will soon recover.

The present season is worth an age, if rightly employed; but, if lost or neglected, the whole league will partake of the evil; and there is no punishment that man does not deserve that may be the means of sacrificing a pick so precious and useful.

I have as little superstition in me as any man living, but my secret opinion has ever been, and still is, that God Almighty will not give up a team, or leave them unsupportedly to perish, who have so earnestly and so repeatedly sought to avoid the calamities of loss, by every decent method which wisdom could invent.

Neither have I so much of the infidel in me, as to suppose that He has relinquished the justice of the world, and given us up to the care of devils; and as I do not, I cannot see on what grounds the Patriots-Haters can look up to heaven for help against us: a common murderer, a highwayman, or a house-breaker, has as good a pretense as he.

'Tis surprising to see how rapidly a panic will sometimes run through a weak man’s mind. Yet panics, in some cases, have their uses; their peculiar advantage is, that they are the touchstones of hypocrisy, and bring cowards to light, who might otherwise have lain forever undiscovered.

In fact, they have the same effect on secret traitors which an imaginary apparition would have upon a private murderer. They sift out the hidden thoughts of man, and hold them up in public to the world. Many a disguised Patriot picker has lately shown his head, that shall penitentially solemnize with curses the day on which the Pats face defeat and then triumph once again.

Every Patriot-Hater is a coward; for servile, slavish, self-interested fear is the foundation of Patriot-Hating; and a man under such influence, though he may be cruel, never can be brave.

It matters not where you live, or what rank of life you hold, the evil will reach you all. The heart that picks against the Patriots now is dead; the blood of his children will curse his cowardice, who shrinks back at a time when a little loyalty might have saved the whole, and made them happy.

I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his Faith in the Patriots unto death.

My own line of reasoning is as straight and clear as a ray of light. Not all the treasures of the world, so far as I believe, could have induced me to support a Patriots-Hating mode of life, for I think it murderous to my soul; but if a thief breaks into my house, burns and destroys my property, and kills or threatens to kill me, or those that are in it, and to "bind me in all cases whatsoever" to his absolute will, am I to suffer it? What signifies it to me, whether he who does it is a relative or a friend; my countryman or not my countryman; whether it be done by an individual villain, or an army of them?

If we reason to the root of things we shall find no difference; neither can any just cause be assigned why we should punish in the one case and pardon in the other. Let them call me rebel and welcome, I feel no concern from it; but I should suffer the misery of devils, were I to make a whore of my soul by swearing allegiance to one whose character is that of a sottish, stupid, stubborn, worthless, brutish man, the Patriot-Hater. I conceive likewise a horrid idea of a being who at the last day shall be shrieking to the rocks and mountains to cover him, and fleeing with terror from the fans, the bettors, and the faithful of New England.

There are cases that cannot be overdone by language, and this is one. There are persons, too, who see not the full extent of the evil that threatens them; they solace themselves with hopes that if they succeed, their greater points will bring them solace. It is the madness of folly, to expect solace from those who have embraced disloyalty; the cunning of the fox is as murderous as the violence of the wolf, and we ought to guard equally against both.

They plead their case without shame; the Falcons were hungry, were invincible at home, were desperate for a win, were owners of a strong offense, were blessed with God on their side. The Pats had no receivers, they whimpered. They won close games, they could be 1-2. But ‘tis all for naught. They speak in fear; we shower the Patriots in love. Their fear leaves them empty, without recourse, but with only mouth honor. They move in trepidation, not emotion.

I thank God that I fear not. I see no real cause for fear. I know our situation well, and can see the way out of it. Once more we are again collected and collecting; our new team at both ends of the field is improving fast, and we shall be able to open the next game, well armed and well prepared. This is our situation, and who sees clearly knows it. By perseverance and fortitude we have the prospect of a glorious season; the Patriots-Hater, by cowardice and submission, the sad choice of a variety of evils- a ravaged conscience- a depopulated friend base- shall seek our mercy. But there will be none. They pick their course, they invite their doom.

Look on this picture and weep over it! And if there yet remains one thoughtless wretch who believes it not, let him suffer it unlamented.

RE: Hey

I took Ed's picks from the Go Zone, not the survey. It will help, but alas, it won't mean no mistakes will happen ever again.

If you want to use the survey, you could make both picks on the same line. For instance, you could pick E-Rams, P-49ers and so forth down the line. Kev and Jo and Sean and Bran could do the same.

We had two members use it this past week, with two more saying they would try it next week.


BTW: "His Grace" is used for Dukes. Kings are addressed as "His Majesty"

BTWII: The financial page has been updated.

Sunday, September 29, 2013


My dad has the Chargers. And I used the survey for him. I thought the monkey was supposed to help with these errors. wtf. Then again what should you expect from an animal that throws its own shit on the wall which is a perfect analogy for how these pick charts are filled out. You Southerners wouldn't survive in the North. Winter is coming. Especially for those that picked against the Pats.

His Grace,
The King in the North

Week 4 Final Picks

Saturday, September 28, 2013

new form (diane)

Like Uncle Wayne (yes Uncle is what us young kids call him ) i saw the voting form in a email . I will be using the new way next week . I think Kirk has a little more free time since he has not started his tree sitting season yet , as the season goes on he will be back to his bad pics.  Now if he can only keep from hurting himself all winter  .  Kevin you enjoy the Bachelor . I will be enjoying Breaking Bad and my left over blueberries from N.H .

Re: Re: Finally

You have to get up and go to another room to make your dad's picks using the survey!! No one should  be subjected to such a horror!!!

Re: Finally

No we have 3 computers also. But they're in different rooms. Very inconvenient.  I like to bang out my posts in one sitting thank you very much.

Re: Finally

Naples should be reminded that penalties are assessed in points off a members total, not in money, and not sent to Naples, who should be ashamed.

The Commissioner didn't suggest that Omaha was rigid, rather that others who summarily dismissed the survey tool were.

It has been duly noted and recorded that SeanO picked against the Pats, as so many fair-weather fans did this week. Our patriotism is measured in our resolve and our belief in the nation. We know and we are watching and we are waiting.

To Manchester: Everyone knows you make Ed's picks for him. You have one computer? Yikes. the Commissioner has three, and he lives alone! The Commish assumes you can hack into the surveymonkey server.


Hey I own the account! Notice the PatO at the bottom of each post. Get your reading glasses! I just post my dad's picks for him since I don't think he knows what a blog is. He wouldn't know a GO Zone from a calzone. And yes shame on those who picked against the Pats. The King's justice will find you.

His Grace
The King in the North


Finally some sanity has creeped out of the Commish's office. Yes, blatantly using another's email account and passing off the nasty comments as the owner of the account has no place in the GoZone. Patrick and Brandy should be admonished if not fined for such dubious remarks. The fines need to be mailed to the Naples address. Cash only please. Return receipt not necessary. Commish, please do not refer to Cuz Omaha as having "rigidity". We don't want to incite or excite him in any way. Easy Ed however is free game to trash frequently. Did anyone notice that SeanO did not pick the Patriots? A treasonous act!


Week 4 Picks

I can only enter the survey once eh? But I need to enter picks for 2 people. What a fantastic tool! You call this progress! Anyway here are our picks. Be advised noted Patriots hater and president of the local chapter of the Peyton Manning fan club Ed the Easy has picked the Pats to win!

The King in the North
Da Bears

Easy Ed

Week 4 Sanford pix

Bran:  Ravens, Cardinals, Vikes, Chiefs, Colts, Seahawks, Bengals, Bears, Titans, Skins, Broncos, Chargers, Pats, Saints 

Sean:  ravens, cards, vikes, chiefs, colts, seahawks, bengals, beats, titans, skins, broncos, cowboys, falcons, saints 

Observations On Recent Postings

The league office will be evaluating the use of survey forms as an option for member picks. A few observations about the surveys:
  • Once a member has taken the survey and clicked on the "Done" button, the survey is immediately sent to a database accessible by the Commissioner. A splash page will appear thanking the member for making his picks. Any changes should be sent by phone, email, text or blog to the league office.
  • If a member wants to inform others as to his picks, he should highlite his picks, go to edit-copy, then write a post pasting in his picks before cclicking on the "Done" button.
  • The survey is an attempt to make the picks process more clear and simplify the creation of the picks chart. It will also preclude members omitting picking some games, as occasionally happens.
The league office also has some observations on recent Go Zone activity.
  • There will be no use of league funds to survey the advisability of using or abusing any type of monkey. The Commissioner never thought he would be pressed to write that sentence in his lifetime.
  • Naples is to be commended for using "Best to all in week 4" in closing his post entitled "Enough." After his usual diatribe, it was refreshing.
  • Sanford's suggestion to boycott the surveys seems a bit premature. The by-laws make no mention of how the picks are to be collected, nor prohibit or limit the Commissioner's power to initiate changes in policies not covered in the by-laws. 
  • The league office is also somewhat concerned about Sanford's use of "mother of dragons" to describe himself, unless of course it was Bran/Kyle using SeanO's email. In that case, the by-laws clearly state that "members who use another member's email to communicate on the Go Zone blog should clearly identify who they are." 
  • Sanford's lament that he (or she) has kids who are monsters, should ease his conscience. Almost everybody knows the person to blame is Kevin.
  • And, finally, the commissioner commends Omaha's reasonableness in giving the surveys a try, although it might put him as odds with some of the more ideologically rigid members.

naples picks wk 4

Jo takes: 49ers, Bills, Bucs, Vikes, Chiefs, Colts, Seahawks, Bengals, Lions, Titans, Raiders, Broncos, Chargers, Pats, Saints

Kev takes: 49ers, Ravens, Cardinals, Vikes, Chiefs, Colts, Seahawks, Bengals, Bears, Titans, Skins, Broncos, Chargers, Pats, Saints

Friday, September 27, 2013

Monkey on loose in Sanford

Such whimpering from a perfectly distraught Sanford owner. I say let the dragons out and sley the monkey! However, I do agree that no league funds be released to use or abuse any type of monkey and I don't think we need to survey that. Sanford Bran obviously is losing touch with the monsters. I think she needs a break. How about next week-end? Better start picking your "birds" again.



Enough of the Snow-monkey business-breaking bad-bastard talk. Owners, you need to control yourselves. This bickering back and forth between Ft. Myers and Manchester has to cease. However, I did notice Omaha Cuz is going against the Pats this week. Then he's not going to watch them sunday night!  Borderline treason. This calls for an investigation at the league office level. I'd have Motorcycle Mike intervene and start the process but he is too busy calling owners bastards! The only one who should be calling out "bastards" is Diane after that atrocious week of picks. Oh, and don't call me sunday night because I'll be watching The Bachelor re-runs! Kirk, nice week. Must have closed his eyes and picked. Patrick, oh sorry, I meant King of Nothing, continues to mouth off with no backbone or picks to back it up!
Best to all in week 4
Naples Cuz

Second monkey needed?

I find it interesting that the original monkey of the group could not handle collecting the weekly picks so we had to hire an additional monkey. This is an outrage! League funds should not go toward such outrageous items.  I think we should all stick together and boycott this new procedure that was not officially voted in.

The mother of dragons (literally... My kids are monsters)
Ah, I first saw this survey form in an email.  Here on the GO Zone, it appears to be a much simpler process for making my picks.

I'll give it a try and see how it goes.

Omaha cuz

Member Survey for Week 4

Members can now fill out the following survey to make their picks each week. Be sure to click the "Done" button to send results to the league office. If members want to share their picks before the Picks Chart is published, they can cut and paste the survey into a new post. Or, if members do not want to use the survey, they can post their picks in the normal way.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Pats play Sunday night?  Oh well, I'll read about it Monday.

Thursday Night Picks

Thurs week 4 Sanford pix

Sean: niners
Bran: niners

Don't call us either. On the same boat as Diane and Wayne. Dexter was the greatest show until the disappointing finale last week.  Now it's just Game of Thrones and Suits and Walking Dead.


Thursday Week 4

The King in the North: 49ers

Easy Ed: Rams

naples thurs pix

Jo takes the 49ers
Kev takes the 49ers
Here are the picks from Omaha.

Don't anyone call Diane or Wayne on Sunday evening, 9 Eastern, 8 Central, because we will be watching the final episode of one of the greatest TV series ever, Breaking Bad, and we won't be taking calls.  It ranks right up there with Six Feet Under and the Sopranos.

Oh, and right after Breaking Bad, I'll be watching Boardwalk Empire, so don't call me then, either.

Thursday night game:  Frisco over St. Louie

Sunday's games:

Steelers over Vikes
Baltimore over Buffalo
Bengals over Browns
Indy over J-Ville
Seattle over Houston
Tampa Bay over Arizona
Lions over Bears
Chiefs over Giants
Tennessee over Jets
Dallas over San Diego
Redskins over Raiders
Denver over Philly
Atlanta over the Pats

Monday night:

Saints over Phins

Omaha cuz 

Diane's snarkiness

Ok one more week of Breaking Bad and then i will be ready to pay attention to all you wind bags !!!
Maybe even add a few snarky comments to keep you all on your toes !!! Hope everyone is well .

"Hope everyone is well" ?

Hey, are you being snarky there?

dianes pics

Ok one more week of Breaking Bad and then i will be ready to pay attention to all you wind bags !!!
Maybe even add a few snarky comments to keep you all on your toes !!! Hope everyone is well .
dolphins .
Hoping i can somehow redeem myself after last weeks mess . Never again ask a outside source for there input !!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Kirk picks the rams

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Week 4 Schedule

A Tough Week For Many

It was carnage for many last week. The Giants losing in a blow-out? The Colts smacking the 49ers in San Fran? The Bengals beating the Pack? All of those AFC over NFC, when everyone knows the NFC is dominant and has 4 of the 5 best teams in the NFL. And the 49ers and the Packers are two of those four!

Somehow, through all this illogic and downright absurdities, Kirk, Jo and Kate had strong weeks. Kirk was 14-2, Jo and Kate 11-5. The King and Easy Ed were 10-6, but Wayne and the Commish limped in with 8-8 weeks. For Di, it was pretty much a washout. Luckily for the Commish his fine first two weeks leave him ahead of Kirk, Kev and Jo by a point, and Kate, Patrick and Diane by 2.

It will be interesting to see how Kate does this year. She has informed the main office that until further notice, she will be picking the home team plus the Pats. There has been weeks like this early on in the season every year of the league, and home picks seem smart early on. How that plays out over the entire season, if she holds firm for that long, remains to be seen.

Disturbing Fact of the Week: Wayne, Kirk and Sean have no diminutives. (Kevin, that means they have no shorter nicknames derived from their full name.)  They can't even be assigned an informal name like Wayney, Kirky and Seany. Actually, maybe they can. Wayney and Kirky have definite rings to them.

Changes Coming. I am updating both my operating system to Lion and Word to 2011, and I hope to get the picks chart a bit more unified, maybe starting this week.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Week 3 Stats


Hard to believe that you think the Game of Thrones was only shown in Sanford, FL. Perhaps it is indicative of a close relative of the King will come to power, as Jon Snow seems to be in line. Or Bran or even Catelyn may somehow come to power. In that case, beware Easy Ed.

Coming for the throne


I'm fairly certain Bran and I are the only one who 'GOT' your King of the North references, however, you do realize he was murdered and his throne was over taken?!  The analogy leads one to believe you will be stepping down for this year's long winter that lies ahead.


Sunday, September 22, 2013


Ya, pipe down Kev!
Kev - there is nothing you can say about our idiot football coach that I haven't already said.  In fact, my thoughts about the fool are much worse than yours.

The difference is, I have a right to say it - you, not so much.  So pipe down...


Week 3 Picks

The commissioner apologizes for the formatting of the picks chart. Switching from laptop to desktop through his mac for a loop. Hopefully we will have a new and better picks chart soon.

Week 3 pix Sanford

Bran:Ravens, Giants, Lions, Titans, Saints, Patriots, Packers, Cowboys, Vikings, Falcons, Bills, 49ers, Seahawks, Bears, Broncos 

Sean:texans, panthers, lions, chargers, saints, pats, pack, cowboys, Vikings, falcons, bills, niners, Seahawks, bears, broncos

week 3 pix Naples

Jo takes: Ravens, Giants, Lions, Titans, Saints, Patriots, Packers, Cowboys, Vikings, Dolphins, Jets, 49ers, Seahawks, Bears, Broncos

Kev takes: Ravens, Giants, Lions, Titans, Saints, Patriots, Packers, Cowboys, Vikings, Falcons, Bills, 49ers, Seahawks, Bears, Broncos


Well, things are normal. Cuz Omaha is wondering about the finances again. The Commish's office is flooded with calls. Cuz, just keep that nut job Cornhusker coach in Nebraska! He is brilliant, cut off the hand that feeds you. The Commish is fine for all who have been concerned. He did cash in his cycle for a rowboat. No Wayne, no league funds involved(this time).
What is this "King of the North" garbage? Self-appointed I might add. This guy needs to be taken out at the knees. I'm calling that Goldson dude to pay Patrick a visit.

Best to all,

Week 3 Picks

The King in the North
Da Bears

Easy Ed
Da Bears

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Picks from Omaha:

Tennessee over San Diego
Vikes over Browns
Pats over Tampa Bay
Houston over Baltimore
Cowboys over St. Louie
Saints over Zona
Skins over Detroit
Packers over Cincy
Giants over Carolina
Miami over Atlanta
49ers over Colts
Seattle over J-Ville
Jets over Buffalo (Gawd, this is a horrible game, who even cares?)
Steelers over Bears

Monday Night:

Denver over Oakland

kirks picks


Diane's Pics


Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Commissioner Safe in Fort Myers!

The Commissioner wants to thank all the league members for their encouragement and good wishes on his successful return to Florida. The timing was fortunate as the day before he exited New Hampshire, the winter office was inundated with an hour long torrential rain, causing flooding on his personal residence.

Security has forbidden any direct identification of the actual whereabouts of the Commissioner's residence, but it would be safe to say that the dog is standing on the Commissioner's land, as he does twice each day.

The commissioner rallied the neighborhood by lending a canoe to some local urchins. However, the man in the picture told the boys that two crocodiles lived in a pond about 70 feet behind the grey house, and the boys lost their enthusiasm for the adventure. What a killjoy!

Thursday Night Picks


The King in the North: Eagles

Easy Ed: Chiefs

dianes pics

Diane pics the Eagles

Sanford thurs wk 3 pix

Bran and Sean both take the Eagles

Naples wk 3 thurs

Jo takes the Eagles
Kev takes the Eagles

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Omaha cuz picks the Eagles in the Thursday night game.

Kirk pic's the eagles

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Week 3 Schedule

Reminder: The League Office will be relocating to Fort Myers this Thursday, so communication may be temporarily interrupted.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Put Down Your Drink

My dad has the fins, I have the Colts. You need to switch our picks.

The Commish needs to fire his interns, Jack Daniels and Rob Roy. Too many technical issues.

The King in the North

Switch columns for Sanford pix


Please refer to our pix for week 2. Sean's pix are listed under Bran and Bran's pix are listed under Sean. Kyle caught the mistake and said "uh oh".  With all these "tech" problems of late, the signs point more towards user errors!

Week 2 Final Pix

Red backing denotes office pick of home team

The rest of week 2 pix



Naples picks wk 2



Week 2 Picks

The King in the North
Da Bears

Easy Ed

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Dianes Pics

Friday, September 13, 2013

kirk's pic's

Misidentified on the week 1 chart?

You can read the weekly chart?  How thick are your glasses?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Commissioner Launches an investigation into Possible Irregularities

The Commissioner announced today that he has initiated an investigation into the concerns stated by Sean, or Brandy, or some combination of both, that two of Brandy's picks were misidentified on the week 1 pick chart. Because the complaint was filed rather late in the weekly progress of the league's picks cycle, the investigation may take some time. By now, hackers could have compromised the security of the system and changed or deleted documents of paramount importance to the investigation.

The Commissioner said he would keep members informed of the investigation's progress. He wanted to informed concerned members that, in any event, the commissioner would remain the winner of week 1.

Thursday Night Picks, week 2

Red icon means the Commissioner has assigned the home team pick.

Thurs week 2

Bran and Sean take Pats


The King in the North: Pats

Easy Ed: Pats

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Kirk and Diane pick the pat's
Posts from Omaha:

Pats over Jets
Philly over San Diego
Baltimore over Cleveland
Houston over Tennessee
Indy over Miami
Buffalo over Carolina
Atlanta over St. Louis
Packers over Skins
Dallas over Kans City
Da Bears over Der Vikes
Saints over Tampa Bay
Detroit over Arizona
Raiders over J-Ville
Denver over Giants
Frisco over Seattle
Cincy over Pittsburgh

Omaha cuz

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

User Error

I would like to refer to the post entitled Pix 1 on Wed Sept 4 at 9:16 posted by SeanO...  It clearly states that I (Brandy/Ryan) selected both the Saints and Bears.  I am outraged that the Commish is already showing such signs of prejudice in the league.  I demand the score be corrected...IMMEDIATELY!


Week 2 Schedule

Week 1 Results and Stats

Monday, September 9, 2013

Definitely Concerned

Yes, there are concerns. Cuz Omaha, be careful because it sounds like Patrick may ask you to marry him with that sicky-sweet drool when he professes to say "I'm not upset with Omaha, I love Omaha." And there he goes one week in questioning the Commish again about picks that he thought he made. Is there no end to it? Now he's calling himself "The King". This is vomit material. This guy has no shame. He is a media show. Can't wait for week two!

Best to All

RE: Concerns

It is the same old story, blame the media. The commish stands by the league's fine, award-winning media staff.

So Far, So Good

The Commish is sitting pretty after Sunday's games, leading the league with an 11-3 score with two games to go, but he has picked the underdog Eagles for Monday night.

Scores for the league so far:

11-3, Mike
10-4, Kirk, Diane, Kev and Sean
9-5, Bran
8-6, Ed, Patrick, and Kate
7-7, Marc, Jo and Luke

One caveat, Mike and Diane have picked the Eagles for Monday night, and Jo and Kate picked the Chargers.

These are solid records because early games often have many upsets.


A couple of corrections. Easy Ed had the Titans and the Falcons. It does not affect the number of wins/losses but it should be corrected.

Also the commish  has taken some liberties with my quotes from my acceptance ceremony. See the following for example:
"Consistency is paramount," he said. "It's not really very hard, as long as you haven't baked your brain in a golf course in Naples or Nebraska,"

While I made plenty of disparaging (and justified) comments about Naples, I directed no such animosity towards Omaha. Is this the type of journalistic integrity we should expect from the commissioner's office? I should hope not. I request an immediate retraction of said portion of my quotes and an apology from the commissioner's office to both myself and cuz Wayne. I call on the commish to be more careful in the future.

All in all it's good to be back. I hope everyone enjoys themselves.

His Grace
The King in the North

Bonus points if you get this reference.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


The request for more from me is granted.  Thanks Kev!  I had so many great thoughts about what to say, but I'm distracted by the constant reference to Omaha.  Out of all the countries in North America that has to be the worst one! 

Go Pats!


Omaha's Concerns

The league has looked into Cuz Wayne's concerns about the size of the Pics Chart, and suggests the following:

1. Save the graphic (in png form) to your hard drive.
2. Open with a graphics program (like photoshop).
3. Increase the size of the image to whatever makes it readable.
4. Copy that part of the chart and paste it into a new graphics image.
5 .Print the image.
6; Read the pic.


Use a magnifying glass to read the pic.

Note: The charts are screen shots of a work database chart, so the size of the screen. The central office is using a 15" laptop while in NH. When the central office relocates to Fort Myers, they will be using a 28" screen which will allow for a larger image.
And who knows what it says under Katie's pic?

And why, now into our third season, is the "financial" tab still under construction??

These are serious deficiencies that need explaining.

Omaha cuz
Congratulations to Patrick for keeping the trophies in the north, where they belong.

Could the Commish possibly find a smaller print for our picks?  I suspect there is some script in the left-hand column, but...

Omaha cuz

Patrick Receives 2012 League Awards

The Commissioner awarded Patrick the Chappie and the Millie for 2012 Saturday at the Awards Ceremony in Manchester, NH.

In his acceptance speech, Patrick thanked the commissioner for all his hard work and pledged his support for future battles "with the dark forces of Naples and Omaha." He added that "it feels good. Victory is sweet, though not as sweet as the knowledge that I'm this much better than Uncle Kevin."

"I go out there every week, make some plays, and get the most wins I can," he said, explaining his success. "Consistency is paramount," he said. "It's not really very hard, as long as you haven't baked your brain in a golf course in Naples or Nebraska," he added.

Only in his second year, he has two Chappies and a Millie to his credit. "I do what needs to be done," he explained humbly.


Patrick's father, Edmund O'Leary, said he was proud of his son. "I am proud of my son for winning both trophies last year," he said, although he was surprised there were two trophies, didn't remember a whole lot about last year, and was dressed in tight fitting jeans and a t-shirt. "He works hard, agonizes over his picks and strategizes each week," he added absently.

Patrick said he would work hard to win both trophies again this year, although he expressed disappointment that there were only two trophies.  "It seems like I should get more," he concluded.

Final Picks for Week 1

Week 1 Picks

The King in the North

Easy Eddie

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Kirks picks
Diane's pic's

Thursday Night Pics

Re: Almost Speechless, new members, and posts

The commissioner is glad to see the gloves have come off for the distaff side of Sanford. Welcome to the fray, but I fear your subtlety will be lost on Kev. Try a more frontal blast to get his attention. The Commish is nevertheless appreciative for the humor shown from the first sentence on. We need to hear more from Bran, as she is never at a loss for an opinion.

On the subject of adding members to the league, a few cautions should apply. Right now, at 10 with Naples sharing one feed, we are at the limit for notification via email of comments and new posts, so new members will not have that perk. It is the commissioner's feeling that having email notification helps some keep active in the league. Sanford, Manchester and Peterborough could share email notification as could Omaha if Karen decides to join.

Another factor is the creation of the picks database. It does take some time to create it originally and then score it each week. It also could get too large to view clearly based upon the reduction in size needed to fit it in the blog template. This is not to say we cannot add new members, but we need to keep in mind some limitations do exist.

Some members have never used the blog, or used it so sparingly that they might not want email notifications anyway. If a member volunteers to give that perk up it would add expansion space.

Another issue is communication through comments. If a member chooses to pull up a past post and use the comment feature to post his picks, then the picks can be easily missed. It is better to use a new post for all communication, using the RE: designate to target a particular post in the subject line.

The Commish is excited about the coming season and he is pleased that so many have shown interest in the new season. He will be viewing the first two weeks' games with the Peterboroughs and will return to Fort Myers on Sept 19.

Your post didn't come through

Who you got tonight Di?
Picks from Omaha:

Denver over Balty
Pats over Bills
Cincy over Da Bears
Browns over Phins
Atlanta over Saints
Bucs over Jets
Steelers over Tenny
Lions over Vikes
Colts over Raiders
Seattle over Carolina
KC over J-Ville
Rams over Zona
49ers over the Pack
Caboys over, Giants
Skins over Eagles
Houston over San Diego

Omaha cuz

p.s. - Karen might be interested in joining the league.  I told her to act today if she wants in.  Of course, I'm not sure she will pass the membership requirements.  Then again, Kevin did, so Karen should be a lock.


Broncos-Easy Ed

Broncos-The King in the North

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Pix 1

Brandy: den, pats, Pitt, no, tb, kc, sea, chi, cle, det, Indy, sf, stl, nyg, was, hou

Sean: den, pats, pitt, atl, tb, kc, sea, cin, cle, det, indy, sf, stl, dal, was, hou

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Re: Gobbledy-Gook

Whipped in Naples: Because you have never served on the SAC, does not mean there is none. You have to be invited to attend.

Whipped in Naples:  You misspelled "winner."

Whipped in Naples:  Because you do not recognize a word, does not mean that word is foreign. (Foreign means from another country, like Canada.)


To all owners: the Commish has no SAC. Onerous and uninformed, indeed what a whiner! Omaha, he's all over you. I'm not even sure if the whole thing was in English! He has paragraphitis to go with his bruises.

Tongue-whipped in Naples

Picks week 1

Okay, I must step in to referee once again. As much as the Commish has taken an extraordinary amout of down time(mostly on the ground due to bike mishaps), the owners need to suck it up and give him a one-year extension to his contract. Please note the clause added that in-season hogbike riding is prohibited. Omaha needs to simmer down and let the office shake off the cobwebs. However, at a later date we must investigate the league financials in a time frame similar to the last time Manchester Ed made a league-related appearance. Now, on to the season preview. Patrick will wilt away, Cuz Omaha will make another futile run after a strong start, Luke will sniff to much cement polish, the Commish will have sore ribs throughout the year and his picks will smart as well,  Ed will be silent(shocker) along with his picks, Bran will fly away with the birds, Sean will come on strong late but too-little-too-late, Kate will pick all the home teams, Windsor Di will choose after heavy wine sessions, Granby Kirk will be as accurate as he is hunting(one squirrel in ten years), Jo will get on a roll picking all the wrong teams ending in "s". Soooooooo, I guess that leaves Naples Cuz to swoop in and get that trophy back where it belongs!

Best to all

Jo takes: Broncos, Pats, Steelers, Falcons, Bucs, Jags, Panthers, Bears, Browns, Lions, Colts, 49ers, Rams, Giants, Skins, Chargers.

Kev takes: Broncos, Pats, Steelers, Saints, Bucs, Chiefs, Seahawks, Bears, Browns, Lions, Colts, 49ers, Rams, Giants, Skins, Texans.

CLARIFICATION: 2 points for each correct pick on mondays games!!

Scurrilous Accusations!

As the Commissioner settles in to the new season, he wants to thank the many league members for their kind thoughts and words. It has been a difficult summer for him, with a plethora of bruised and swollen muscles, joints and bones, but his spirits are high and he takes strength from the good wishes of the vast majority of members.

Of course, Naples and especially Omaha seem to be distracted by monetary and social complaints, but Manchester, Sanford, Windsor Locks, North Charleston, Peterborough and Granby have kept their own counsel on these matters and therefore the Commissioner declares that all is well in GoZone nation.

As to the complaints, they seem to be a result of someone (Naples or Omaha) making a totally unproven  accusation, followed by calling them rumors in the next post. This is not uncommon in our political system where, say, a rival will be seen leaving a pharmacy and his opponent will accuse him of having health problems (the accusation) followed by contemplation of what kinds of health problems he may have (mental illness, cancer, HIV) which are then followed by declarations that the candidate must prove he is free of them. The debate then becomes, no matter how many things he is proved to be free of, there will be yet another disease he must prove he has avoided.

As politics is an area that is not welcome on this board, or so the commissioner has been told, it would seem consistent to then avoid political strategies and tactics as well.

However, to show his magnanimity, the Commissioner has charged an intern with creating a financial page to add to the many other informative pages produced by the central office. While he cannot guarantee that this will placate the onerous and the uninformed, he can assure that it will answer any and all legitimate concerns about the league's finances.

And finally, the Commissioner is strong in his belief that he does not serve for life in his current position. He and the Senior Advisory Council welcome any and all petitions for the commissionership, accompanied of course with proof of the ability to assume the duties of publishing the schedule, the picks and the results each week in a timely manner, the procurement of engraved trophies, the publication of trophy presentation pictures, and maintenance of the email and comment notification lists.

The Commissioner extends a warm welcome to all to the new season. He would note that as critical as Naples and Omaha have been about the Commissioner's lack of punctuality, neither has of yet sent in their picks for week 1.

Here are the pics so far:

Monday, September 2, 2013

That's it?

After disappearing for some 8 months and the subject of many nasty rumors, you walk into the office and offer no explanation?

Did you hike the mountain trails from Ft. Meyers to New Hampshire?  Or did you sneak off to Argentina to consort with some high priced, scantily-clad tramp you met at a motorcycle rally?

You owe the league an explanation for your absence and an accounting of our funds.

Concerned in Omaha

Welcome Back!

For all the league office staff and interns, the Commissioner welcomes the new, 2013 season to the GoZone members. He appreciates the patience and reserve of good will from the members, and he is anxious to get the ball rolling on the new season. While he realizes he may be early in his enthusiasm for the start of the season, he hopes league members will embrace this early post.

He will shortly convene a Senior Advisory Committee meeting to discuss new business and rule changes, though members should use the GoZone board to express their views on all proposed changes and rule reviews. With this in mind, here is the first week's schedule:

Sunday, September 1, 2013

OK, this is getting serious!

Opening kickoff is just around the corner and still no commish.

Now I'm not an alarmist, normally, ok, maybe occasionally, but I'm worried about reports I'm getting out of Connecticut.  I won't name the source, but word has it that our esteemed commish has been seen at Mohegan Sun losing large sums of money.

Each owner, with great sacrifice, pays a sizable dues fee to support the activities of the commissioner's office, i.e., office space, communications, trophies for the league winners, legal fees & body guards for the commish, and other questionable expenses.

Now, our commish has not been seen or heard from since he slipped out of Florida sometime this spring.   He didn't appear at our winter meetings, made no state of the league address, and most important, has not distributed financial reports in either of the past two years.

As the senior conscious member of the league, I must call for an immediate investigation of the commissioner's office and an audit of  league financials.

We must get all the information we can before we consider impeachment and possible prosecution.

I assume I have the support of all to flush out our missing commissioner?

Omaha cuz