Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Tough Week For Many

It was carnage for many last week. The Giants losing in a blow-out? The Colts smacking the 49ers in San Fran? The Bengals beating the Pack? All of those AFC over NFC, when everyone knows the NFC is dominant and has 4 of the 5 best teams in the NFL. And the 49ers and the Packers are two of those four!

Somehow, through all this illogic and downright absurdities, Kirk, Jo and Kate had strong weeks. Kirk was 14-2, Jo and Kate 11-5. The King and Easy Ed were 10-6, but Wayne and the Commish limped in with 8-8 weeks. For Di, it was pretty much a washout. Luckily for the Commish his fine first two weeks leave him ahead of Kirk, Kev and Jo by a point, and Kate, Patrick and Diane by 2.

It will be interesting to see how Kate does this year. She has informed the main office that until further notice, she will be picking the home team plus the Pats. There has been weeks like this early on in the season every year of the league, and home picks seem smart early on. How that plays out over the entire season, if she holds firm for that long, remains to be seen.

Disturbing Fact of the Week: Wayne, Kirk and Sean have no diminutives. (Kevin, that means they have no shorter nicknames derived from their full name.)  They can't even be assigned an informal name like Wayney, Kirky and Seany. Actually, maybe they can. Wayney and Kirky have definite rings to them.

Changes Coming. I am updating both my operating system to Lion and Word to 2011, and I hope to get the picks chart a bit more unified, maybe starting this week.