Sunday, September 8, 2013

Patrick Receives 2012 League Awards

The Commissioner awarded Patrick the Chappie and the Millie for 2012 Saturday at the Awards Ceremony in Manchester, NH.

In his acceptance speech, Patrick thanked the commissioner for all his hard work and pledged his support for future battles "with the dark forces of Naples and Omaha." He added that "it feels good. Victory is sweet, though not as sweet as the knowledge that I'm this much better than Uncle Kevin."

"I go out there every week, make some plays, and get the most wins I can," he said, explaining his success. "Consistency is paramount," he said. "It's not really very hard, as long as you haven't baked your brain in a golf course in Naples or Nebraska," he added.

Only in his second year, he has two Chappies and a Millie to his credit. "I do what needs to be done," he explained humbly.


Patrick's father, Edmund O'Leary, said he was proud of his son. "I am proud of my son for winning both trophies last year," he said, although he was surprised there were two trophies, didn't remember a whole lot about last year, and was dressed in tight fitting jeans and a t-shirt. "He works hard, agonizes over his picks and strategizes each week," he added absently.

Patrick said he would work hard to win both trophies again this year, although he expressed disappointment that there were only two trophies.  "It seems like I should get more," he concluded.