Saturday, September 28, 2013

Observations On Recent Postings

The league office will be evaluating the use of survey forms as an option for member picks. A few observations about the surveys:
  • Once a member has taken the survey and clicked on the "Done" button, the survey is immediately sent to a database accessible by the Commissioner. A splash page will appear thanking the member for making his picks. Any changes should be sent by phone, email, text or blog to the league office.
  • If a member wants to inform others as to his picks, he should highlite his picks, go to edit-copy, then write a post pasting in his picks before cclicking on the "Done" button.
  • The survey is an attempt to make the picks process more clear and simplify the creation of the picks chart. It will also preclude members omitting picking some games, as occasionally happens.
The league office also has some observations on recent Go Zone activity.
  • There will be no use of league funds to survey the advisability of using or abusing any type of monkey. The Commissioner never thought he would be pressed to write that sentence in his lifetime.
  • Naples is to be commended for using "Best to all in week 4" in closing his post entitled "Enough." After his usual diatribe, it was refreshing.
  • Sanford's suggestion to boycott the surveys seems a bit premature. The by-laws make no mention of how the picks are to be collected, nor prohibit or limit the Commissioner's power to initiate changes in policies not covered in the by-laws. 
  • The league office is also somewhat concerned about Sanford's use of "mother of dragons" to describe himself, unless of course it was Bran/Kyle using SeanO's email. In that case, the by-laws clearly state that "members who use another member's email to communicate on the Go Zone blog should clearly identify who they are." 
  • Sanford's lament that he (or she) has kids who are monsters, should ease his conscience. Almost everybody knows the person to blame is Kevin.
  • And, finally, the commissioner commends Omaha's reasonableness in giving the surveys a try, although it might put him as odds with some of the more ideologically rigid members.