Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Scurrilous Accusations!

As the Commissioner settles in to the new season, he wants to thank the many league members for their kind thoughts and words. It has been a difficult summer for him, with a plethora of bruised and swollen muscles, joints and bones, but his spirits are high and he takes strength from the good wishes of the vast majority of members.

Of course, Naples and especially Omaha seem to be distracted by monetary and social complaints, but Manchester, Sanford, Windsor Locks, North Charleston, Peterborough and Granby have kept their own counsel on these matters and therefore the Commissioner declares that all is well in GoZone nation.

As to the complaints, they seem to be a result of someone (Naples or Omaha) making a totally unproven  accusation, followed by calling them rumors in the next post. This is not uncommon in our political system where, say, a rival will be seen leaving a pharmacy and his opponent will accuse him of having health problems (the accusation) followed by contemplation of what kinds of health problems he may have (mental illness, cancer, HIV) which are then followed by declarations that the candidate must prove he is free of them. The debate then becomes, no matter how many things he is proved to be free of, there will be yet another disease he must prove he has avoided.

As politics is an area that is not welcome on this board, or so the commissioner has been told, it would seem consistent to then avoid political strategies and tactics as well.

However, to show his magnanimity, the Commissioner has charged an intern with creating a financial page to add to the many other informative pages produced by the central office. While he cannot guarantee that this will placate the onerous and the uninformed, he can assure that it will answer any and all legitimate concerns about the league's finances.

And finally, the Commissioner is strong in his belief that he does not serve for life in his current position. He and the Senior Advisory Council welcome any and all petitions for the commissionership, accompanied of course with proof of the ability to assume the duties of publishing the schedule, the picks and the results each week in a timely manner, the procurement of engraved trophies, the publication of trophy presentation pictures, and maintenance of the email and comment notification lists.

The Commissioner extends a warm welcome to all to the new season. He would note that as critical as Naples and Omaha have been about the Commissioner's lack of punctuality, neither has of yet sent in their picks for week 1.

Here are the pics so far: