Monday, September 3, 2012

Welcome Husker, SeveranceRules, Defending Champion, etal

The Commissioner's office has responded to the recent spate of blog posts as follows:
  • The Commish is pleased with the general high spirits and respect being shown league members. Let's remember to keep this high standard going forward.
  • Diane Robinson nearly confounded the Blogger society by responding to the GoZone invitation with a different email address than the one she used to be invited. Luckily the Commish was able to mobilize his tech and law staffs to avoid any calamity. Welcome aboard Diane. 
  • The current Chappie recipient, Patrick O'Leary, was more gracious than anticipated in his new season welcome back. Way to go, Patrick. By the way, all Chappie and Millie awards are purchased through money from member dues.* It usually takes two weeks to get the awards once ordered.
  • Members Ryan and Bran have sent in new images for the pics grid. Other members may do so as well, but be reminded that the space is limited in the grid and most images will need to be cropped.
  • Senior Advisory Member Kevin has impressed the Commish with his reserve and alacrity so far this season. Keep up the good spirits, Kev. 
As usual, the Commissioner's Office encourages frank and honest comments and responses in and to blog entries. A technical glitch restricts the sending of comments to posts by email to ten recipients, so please use a separate post to comment on previous posts. The Commissioner considers a high number of posts and member involvement to indicate league success, so keep posting!

*Member dues are $10.00 per year. To date, no member has ever paid them.