Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Real Refs are Back

Tonight's game will be officiated by real officials. That should calm down the gamblers in Vegas who have been taking a bath the last few weeks. This is most probably the reason the strike got settled. You can mess with the American people, but don't screw with Vegas. They have something on everybody.

Interesting to note though that the two most egregious errors, the missed field goal called good in the Ravens/Pats game and the interception/offensive pass interference called an offensive catch in the Packers/Seahawks gamed both went to the home team. In fact, I read that the officials, most of whom have officiated games with less than a thousand fans present, were increasingly fearful of the crowds and even feared riots if they ruled for the opposing teams at the end. The official on the goal post who called the Ravens kick good signaled it 10 yards in front of the post only seconds after the ball went by the post. He wasn't under the post looking up, he was in front looking back.

The saddest thing to me was the complete collapse of the Pats' defense. It looked worse than last year's, with no pressure on the quarterback, no coverage on the edges, and pass after pass over the secondary's heads for long completions. The Pats have lost two game in the last seconds on field goals made or missed, but until this game it didn't worry me much. Now I'm worried.

A quick look at last week's final picks summary shows the havoc the substitute refs have caused. Only three members even broke even, and only Kirk had a winning record with 9-7. Both Diane and Brandy-Ryan were 8-8. In spite of all this, the pecking order remains about the same. Elastic Ed and Kate have 31 points, Kirk 30, Jo 29, Wayne 28, Ken and Diane 27, and Brandy-ryan 25.

The blog has been quite quiet as I assume the members lick their wounds. This week's match-ups seem to indicate a rebound will occur. In spite of insinuations that the Commissioner is guilt of BWI, that has never been the case, although that leaves precious little time in his day to work on the picks. Also, living the past 5 months with four young people in their 20's, the Commissioner's sleep schedule has been turned upside down. Luke leaves anywhere between 3 and 4 in the morning for work, and he says good night to the other three who are just settling in for the night.

At any rate, the Commissioner thanks all the members who help him by bringing to his attention any small errors made by his staff.