Thursday, September 13, 2012

Email Notification

Out of frustration, I left blogger help section and googled how to have more than 10 email notifications for posts. At EHow, I got the answer. I have added a gadget at the end of the blog posts. Scroll down to the last post and find "Follow by E-mail". Put in the email address you want notifications sent to and click submit. You will be redirected to a security page that will require you to reproduce a funky word and then click submit. An email will be sent to your address for confirmation. Click on the confirmation link, and you will get an email confirming that you will sent email notifications of new posts.

Right now this only applies to Scott and any new members going forth or if you are not getting email of posts. If you are, don't use this or you will get two notifications of each post.

IT Director Magabyte Mike