Monday, September 24, 2012

Brandy Has a Point

The Commissioner welcomes member Brandy's comments regarding the many complaints that seem to be flowing about in the posts. He seconds her request for civility and poise, especially with regard to the tension the substitute officials have brought to the picks members have made unsuccessfully. Frustration is at an all time high, just as success is at an all time low in the league.

This past week has been the low water mark so far with most members struggling to get to .500 with their picks. It is important to note that each member shares the frustration, even those who are silent, or, in Easy Ed's case, comatose.

While the Commissioner endorses Brandy's comments, he is a bit puzzled as to what team she is the MVP of, and in what statistic she is currently the leader. I'm sure future posts will sort that out.

As to criticism of the Commissioner missing member picks for the week, he reminds league members to use blog posts to publish their picks, or email to the commissioner. Picks in "Comments" can easily be missed, especially since the Commissioner chose to take himself off the comments email alert when the limit of 10 was exceeded with the new league members. He does promise to check the weekly schedule post for comments if members find it most convenient. However, he will not guarantee missing picks in comments generally.