Monday, September 10, 2012

From: Kate Mowell Date: September 10, 2012 6:44:05 PM EDT To: Blogger Subject: Re: [The GO Zone] Week 1 :Picks Since the Commish is so unsure of what I am talking about the proof is in the pudding my friends... As you can clearly see below in the original post, please take notice to Scott's pick of the Atlanta vs KC game. Which was my original argument...Chicago?? Really? This is me throwing the challenge flag! Don't let the Commish fool you. I think someone has had one too many Rob Roy's. Or maybe he is simply getting too OLD and close to retirement as the Commish?! Someone should be tasked to check behind him. Doesn't he have an assistant? He makes enough money to employ one! Yes, that may just be the answer! This could aid in future mistakes. Drinking on the job AND fabricating the truth, I think the Senior Advisory Committee (emphasis on the senior) would be interested in hearing about long as their hearing aids and eyes have been checked
On Sep 9, 2012, at 1:56 PM, Blogger wrote: