Saturday, September 1, 2012

Back At It

To All:
Welcome to Diane and Kirk. Great time at the camp this summer. Nothing is sacred though in the pool.
Where is the welcome from the Chappie Award winner Patrick. Could he please make some type of audible grunt to acknowledge the new year!
Who won the year before? Oh, that was me. No asterisk Brandy.
The commish has been on vacation. It will seem that way all season long.
Cuz Wayne, you can move but you can not hide.
SeanO, I hope you get out of the gate a bit sooner this year.
Jo and Brandy would like daily roster reports on all teams. Not going to happen.
Scott, try to make your own picks this year.
Kate, listen to your one-year-old for advise.
Uncle Ed, best of luck to the phantom picker.

Best to all
The Ex-Defender