Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Week 7 Observations

For many league members, week 7 was a comeback from a disastrous week 6.

1. A Record Setting Week. No less than three members set a record for winning percentage with 12-1 records. In fact, going into Monday night's game, two members, Kirk and Diane, were a perfect 12-0. The Commish edged them out in total points however with a Monday night win and a total of 13 points.

2. Both Unanimous Picks Were Successful. Both the Giants and the Pats won. The Pat's choice saw a return to unanimous Pats' picks, although they were playing the Jets. Nest week will be more of a challenge for the Patriot haters.

3. Connecticut Kirk is Popular. For the second week in a row, another member had the exact same picks at Kirk. Or maybe Kirk had the same picks as two other members, depending upon how you look at it. At any rate, he continue to lead the league with 69 points, followed by the Commish with 66, Kevin and Kate with 65, Wayne and the Ghost with 64, and Diane, Patrick and JoJo with 62. Sean and Kyle round out the 60's with 60.

4. Pick of the Week. The Titan barely beat the Bills to post the biggest upset in the league. Only 3 league members, Kirk, Diane and Scott picked the Titans. The Commish was reported apoplectic with the ending of the game, having picked the Bills.

5. The Commissioner Returns. The Commish return to his home in Florida on Monday, enduring a rather rough landing in Fort Myers. Just as the wheels touched down with a decided thump and loud crashing sound, the stewardess accidentally activated the intercom and was heard to say "Whoa" as she fell backward into her seat. The Commish was of course prepared to take command if there was an emergency, but the plane did not bounce except for the initial contact with the ground. Nevertheless, the Commish's commanding presence gave comfort to many, it was reported.