Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Commissioner Responds

The Commissioner would like to thank all the league members who have written, texted, tweeted, facebooked and called in their concern about his near tragic landing in Fort Myers. While still shaken, the Commissioner insists that he continue his work in the main office rather than resting and recuperating at an island resort. While some members said they felt it would be appropriate to take league funds for that, the issue is moot for the Commissioners heroic work ethic precludes such a needed recourse.

League funding is, of course, an intricate and compelling topic and rightly so. League members should feel that their funds are being used wisely to invest in the success of the league. In fact, the Commissioner will be holding a Senior Advisory Council meeting soon to discuss the issue and Cuz Wayne's honest concerns. As all SAC meetings are part of a legal process and authorization of an investigation requires that no information be public until the investigation is concluded.

To those who have called, texted, tweeted, facebooked and wrote their belief that Cuz Wayne's allegations are a product of a frustrating 2012 season, I remind you that motivations can never be an issue when league members make accusations.

The Commissioner is also chastised by Cur Wayne's outrage at his acceptance of Connecticut Kirk's version of the near-tragic landing, and he pledges to accept any other member's account of the event and make that one the official version if it is funnier than Kirk's.

In related news, the Commissioner will be seeing a chiropractor tomorrow to aid the healing process from his flight home.