Friday, October 12, 2012

Kirk's Picks, Diane's Whereabouts, and "Sore Losers"

First off, Kirk hid his pick by putting it in as a comment to Brandy's September 23 diatribe. We have had a discussion and he agrees to use the "New Post" feature for his picks from now on. Actually it would be beneficial for all to use posts instead of comments, because comments do not show up as separate posts and everyone does not get notified of them, include the Commish.

Second off, I am worried about Diane who is at the Beehive camp in Uncanoonic. "Uncanoonic" means "woman's breast" by the way. See Uncanoonic is a rather large hill and has a sister hill nearby and because of that...well, most of you get the picture. Anyway, Di didn't get her pick in and didn't respond to a phone call. As stipulated by league by-laws, the league office will use coin tosses to get her picks on the board. Coin tosses are used twice for missing picks. After that, the member is own his own.

Third off, Diane's complaint that Kirk has always been a sore loser actually puts him more squarely in the center of the league. Look up "Sore Loser" in Wikipedia and you will find a picture of  Kevin and find out that another word for "sore loser" is "an O'Leary."