Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Commissioner's Observations—Week 6

Let's get right to it.

1. Another catastrophic week for the league. Not one member broke even, and 3 members tied for all time low score of 4 wins. The Champ and the Commish led the week with 7 points, an all time low week winning score.

2. Picks of the Week. Brandy and Ryan start off well with their Thursday night pick of Titans over the Steelers, the only member to do so. Scott was the only member who took the Bills over the Cardinals, in Arizona. The Ghost and Kate picked the Browns over the Bengals. Luke and JoJo took the Giants over the 49ers. Diane and the Commish correctly predicted the Packers over the Texans.

3. Monday Night Fright. Only 4 members won the Monday Night challenge. The Champ, the Commish, Luke and Sean and Kyle had the ultimately successful Broncos. Philip Rivers look sad in that game, and he is getting on as well.

4. Catastrophe Part II. The league's combined record last week was 71-125. I don't know what I can add to that.

5. Soul Searching Runs Amok. Many members are confused by the historically low scores being produced this season, and theories are rampant as to why it is happening. One is that there is a shift in dominance from the AFC to the NFC In the past, American conference teams have had a better record playing NFC teams. That seems to have changed this season. Currently only 2 AFC teams even have winning records, while 7 NFC teams are better than .500. Another theory is that there are many younger, energetic teams challenging older, less speedy teams than before. Such winning teams as the Steelers, the Packers and the Ravens (although right now the Ravens have a winning record, but are shaky with an old and injured defense.) are now losing to teams with younger and perhaps stronger players. Another theory is that this is simply an anomaly, that the season is young and who the teams have played is random at this point. Our beloved AFC East is deadlocked at 3-3, but the perennial champs have only played one of them. Whatever the reasons, it seems to have bedeviled us so far. A recent NY Times story has more information on this year's unpredictability.