Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Commissioner Responds

As everyone knows, all of the break-ins I accomplished as a youth were really accidents of one form or another. Well, maybe not the one when 20 people showed up to party. That was more of a misunderstanding. Besides, none of them had to happen, if Chappie and Millie and Jim Leahy just gave me a copy of their keys to the camps. It was downright mean of them to force me to "borrow" them to make copies.

Also, I am disappointed in Kevin for bringing up this ancient topic. Many people, including Presidents of the United States, have done misguided things when they were young. Besides, I am pretty sure I was overly inhibited by my parents and that is what caused my misdeeds. Maybe not my arrest for driving to endanger, or that arson thing, but just about everything else.

Kevin has, however, touched on important issues in his post. I am pretty sure the Senior Advisory Committee will be looking at the issue of a member leading the league while at the same time having no proof of his existence. It is kind of like the voter id controversy. No one has heard or seen Ed for over three years, not counting Patrick who is suspect because he is biased in Ed's favor and who himself may be an illegal alien. I for one have never seen his birth certificate! Why  is he hiding it? All in all, absence from GoZone posting is-should be-will be a major offense to its integrity.

At any rate, Kirk and Diane have added new life to the GoZone and its unpredictability continues to amaze.