Thursday, October 25, 2012

I am concerned about how our commissioner handles our league funds.

It was always my understanding that the tax each team pays into the central office is used to offset certain administrative expenses such as internet, graphic design, telephone, and limited office expenses.

Now, the commissioner enjoys the comfort of two offices, summers in NH and winters in FL.  Do we need two offices?  It seems he's not tough enough to live year round in the north like us true New Englanders, but has turned into a sissy like his younger brat,

Now we hear tales of airplane sex.  Instead of insisting he didn't have sex with that woman, he proudly pumps his chest as if it was a conquest!  Ohhhh, the shame.  I, personally am appalled at such behavior and shudder to think what the price tag was.  An audit is necessary to unearth the cost to all teamowners for this tryst.

It has also been reported to me by a reliable source that the commissioner has been scouting around for yet another cozy office hideaway in Kennebunk, ME.  I'm looking for photo evidence and trying to ascertain if his name is included on a detailed list of customers of a certain  local 29-year-old businesswoman... 

I think we need an independent and impartial investigator to dig up all the fertile dirt surrounding this matter and impose a severe sentence on the guilty bastard.

In all fairness, remember that everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty.   Remember also, there is always an exception to the rule...

Prudently appalled,
