Saturday, December 18, 2010

Week 14 Observations

More agreement amongst owners! All picked the Colts, the Falcons, the Steelers, The Saints, and the Ravens. All but one picked the Jags, the Packers, the Pats, the Chargers, the Jets and the Eagles.
Picks of the Week. Wayne for the Lions over the Packers, and Marcus for the Fins over the Jets.
Hope over Experience. Both Wayne and Ed picked the Vikings. Kate picked the Chiefs over the Chargers.
The Commissioner is on record as forgiving Cousin Wayne for picking against the Pats, given he lives in Illinois. However, in a call from the Commissioner’s office, he admitted that he actually hates the Bears (ever since they made the Super Bowl Shuffle video!) and picked them because he thought the Pats lacked enough character to recover from crushing the Jets! Incredible! This is worst than simply picking against them! The Commissioner cannot accept or condone such cynicism from Wayne, and will revisit the home state exception this off season.  He can expect a visit from league office investigators .
Kevin remains in the lead, to everyone’s chagrin. Some people should never receive bragging rights! Marc tied him for the week at 13-3. The Commissioner and Ed came in at 12-4. Sean, Luke, Bran and Ryan and Jo were 11-5. Wayne and Kate were at 10-6.
Kevin, Sean and Bran and Ryan continue to lead in points with 84, 82 and 82.