Monday, December 6, 2010

Commissioner Office News

Cuz Wayne vs. Kevin
The Commissioner has received several allegations the past few days  and inquiries are being undertaken. Cus Wayne (see quoted email below) accuses Kevin of being a poor winner, but that is a given. However,  his more grievious charge is that Kevin is making gratuitous insults against him. This is serious and may call for a sanction.

On a related note, in his latest post, Kevin seems to have gratuitously insulted Wayne, Ed, Brandy, Marc, Luke and even the Commissioner. Alarmingly, accused by Wayne of being a whiner, Kevin calls him "Whining Wayne." Countering a put-down by repeating it is beneath any owner but especially Kevin, who has always shown creativity in his insults. Rest assured that the Commissioner is using all of the powers of his office to get to the bottom of this matter.

Owner Table Order
In another email, The Cuz questions the order of owners in the pick table. The Commissioner determined that the order be by when the ownership joined, he now fears a massive political conflagration over this highly controversial issue. Upon reflection, there does seem to be a gender disparity. All of our distaff owners are on the right of the table. In fact, the order could seem to reflect an age bias as well, but that is The Cuz's suggested solution! I'm sure that Jo, Brandy and the Great Kate might want to weigh in on this as well. Perhaps the determining factor should be family. Or geographic location. Or height. Or SAT scores.  The commissioner has determined that the Board of Owners must meet after the season to resolve this perplexing and complicated issue.

Patriots hater Ed (or, PHE, pronounced "fuh") mentioned that next season Patrick might join as well. This would help to provide the important intra-family competition needed for robust discussions and put-downs. The Commissioner reminds owners that the competition is open to all family members and people related to Ed as well. Friends require a security check and owner sponsorship. The forms are on the website.

The Commissioner

Cuz Wayne's controversial email:

Must I be subjected to these constant insults from that whining brother of yours?  I know he's feeling the heat but really, this is getting rather pathetic.

The only thing worse than a poor loser is a poor winner.  Because he holds a razor-thin lead on the field, he seems intent on insulting every member of the blog.  Rather than pick on poor Ed (I realize he's unaware of this) I think we should have a vote to censure that rogue brother of yours.  He must be in love with Sarah Palin.

Honorable cuz w