Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Owners meeting

Special request to the office of the Commish. The title for Kate's picks should now be officially changed to Kate and Baby M. Yes, she is due in August as the family grows in number. I expect this request to be voted on and ratified as of yesterday without any dissent.
As for other unrelated business, I am waiting for the thunderous response from certain owners as to last week's record. All good teams have a slump and I fully expect to come back strong. It is totally unacceptable to let Bran/Ryan stay on top for too long. I am available to let her know how to handle the pressure of being on top though.
Cuz's latest outburst concerning just about everything that is on his mind deserves little to no response. This senseless babbling brings back memories of when he would lose a game of All-Star spinner baseball. It pretty much would ruin the whole summer as Aunt Millie had to intervene and tell us "let him win" which by the way was not part of mother's make-up. This rant I'm sure is fueled by his middle-of-the-pack standing dating back to week one of the pool when the Commish needed to settle the Midwest Muck that Cuz was slinging. Now he rips the Commish with slanderous remarks such as "kingdom". He has been reading too much about Nancy Pelosi!!!! There should be a suspension here due to the head-to-head contact!

All for now from Charleston SC and Merry Christmas and a Happy Play-off season to all!
Kev/Bro/Uncle Big/Dad/Grandpa