Friday, December 24, 2010


There seems to be a lack of follow-up with the Commish and his "investigations". To date the only two with any resolution to it has been Cuz and his belated picks of long ago and Kate the Great hitting the snooze button in the first week! I understand the Commish taking the short route with Cuz so that the office would not be further bombarded with the useless rhetoric coming from the midwest. There are indications of family favoritism in the Kate case. Rest assured the owners will revisit such breaches in the off-season.
Still no word as to if Luke, Mark and Uncle Ed actually exist! This matter surely suggests an investigation is necessary. It is possible they all have suffered their third season-ending concussion.
Bran/Ryan I see are continuing to choose birdbrain teams which should ultimately lead to their demise. SeanO is pressing on the throttle to stay close while the Commish must have some inside info as to who is going to win. How else could he be this close this late in the season. Cuz I can not comment on right now because a suit is pending. Jo is counting on a big post-season rally while Mark just hopes the season ends.

Yours in football,