Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Prude Plows Into Another Ethics Violation

It is with a heavy heart that the Commish must once again sanction Jude the Prude for an ethics violation. In her dispiriting defense of her use of p--p, she feels it necessary to bring in the specter of contacting a lawyer for the assumed purpose of suing the league.

It clearly states in the Go Zone Rules and Regulations, section 10, subsection 8 that "No member may have legal representation during league investigations." Furthermore, section X, subsection 5 states "No member shall bring litigation against the league or the Commissioner without the Commissioner's expressed written consent." The Prude is in clear violation of the subsection 8 and appears to be contemplating breaking subsection 5.

As to the substance of her claim of innocence, the use of a kaka word is extended to any euphemism used to reference it. When one says p--p, everyone immediately thinks of its antecedent, namely s--t.

When members begin to throw s--t around their posts, it is time for the Commish to step in. (No pun intended.)

The Commish has always been a fan of Jude the Prude, but, absent any outcry from league members, he will soon be compelled to issue sanctions, pending Guido Gonzales' investigation, of course.