Sunday, January 8, 2017

Out of my tree stand after a very successful year, bagged 3, gave one away and put over 140 lb in the freezer.
Unfortunately not particularly a good day, my daughter doesn't feel well and will no longer get up and get me a soda. Connie said NO about an hour ago as well. Dammm

I feel compelled to talk about some of the posts that have been made before everyone shuts their computers down and hibernates for the rest of the seasons.

Thank goodness we don't have to hear any more about that damm volleyball and see pictures of a phony stadium. ( oh and has anyone seen me in the arena?) you won't because the one he was at was the one where they truck in tons of sand, crank the heat up and the woman wear skimpy clothing.

Judy, I love you dearly! But I am begging you to save those I love you, I am so happy for you, blah blah bla conversation to your brother for the Sunday phone conversations.  This is a football blog.

Kevin, you are one hell of a husband. Making those pic,s for your wife and you picking teams you new had no chance of winning just to finish behind her is an incredible display of  ?. I did the same thing with my sister.
But kevin, it is time to step up to the plate and get this so call computer geek under control. When the of the queen of the north complains about a pic not accurately be logged- he always says (we) WE NOT I. Once again WE should be questioning him as to how may pic's he is  actually making.

Jo, congrats on winning the Millie award yet another year!
Huh. Reminds me of an Andy Rooney story  that he told on CBS and the Don Imus show.
Not sure if this is what got him fired or not, but let's face it guys.

 The readers digest version goes like this.
I love the looks of the beautiful woman that has well groomed  hair, whether it be short or long her hair completes the picture.
 I love butter, I put butter on everything. Potatoes, muffins, toast and all of my vegetables.

 But, there is something about a piece of hair being in butter that just isn't right.

 This is a football league guys not volleyball or  tennis! Time to man up and act like it.

 Kirks  comments from the  couch.

Hey hunny will you get me another soda.