Saturday, January 21, 2017

Pickiing the Pats, Omaha, GG and Other Heresies

The Commish emphasizes that members can pick against the Pats in the playoffs without engendering official condemnation from the front office. While this is a Patriots football league, the sanctity of the playoffs and the heightened competition it entails requires a free hand to league members to best choose what benefits them the most.

Omaha in his latest diatribe accused the front office and his own sister and the saintly GG of collusion,  cheating and worse. He intimates that there was some quid pro quo between the Prude's expressed backing of the Commish and the ending of the investigation into the professional gambler in our midst. Obviously he didn't read or couldn't comprehend the official statement. The Commish clearly stated that the investigation being ended was other, non-related news.  Non-related, as in not related in other ways. 

He leveled the same charge against the very honorable Guido Gonzales, accusing him of selling his integrity for an extension of his position, even though the Commish once again made it clear that his job extension was non-related. The Commish suggests that Big Red slows down when reading the league post to him. He also questions the reality of GG's very existence. The Commish is flabbergasted that GG's existence could be questioned. He has an email address, a web page and many league members have actually met him. He also is present in many media images, such as the following:

In other, non-related news, Omaha has made one of his famous late minute challenges for the Chappie. It seems every year he charges late, even gets a lead, before stumbling in the Super Bowl. He is how in second place, edging out his sister the Prude in the standings.

And in a final unrelated note, members should be guided by the use of nicknames or real names in posts. Nicknames being used suggests that the information conveyed should be taken tongue in cheek. Real names should be used when the speaker wants to be taken seriously.

The Commish has spoken.