Sunday, January 15, 2017

Jude the Prude Commits and Other League News

Jude the Prude has gone on record as supporting the Commish, now and in the future. "The Commish has been doing a fantastic job, and as our duly elected commissioner, he deserves our support for his present term and in his re-election."  The Commish welcomed Jude's comments and humbly made his announcement for another term as commissioner. "I am here to serve the League, to make it a truly great league and to protect America from Omaha and Deland," he said.

In other, non-related news, the investigation into professional gambling by a league member was completed with a presentation by Guido Gonzales to the Senior Advisory Council (SAC). He presented evidence including an eye witness (Omaha) and a reference to our football picks as "bets." The council voted 3-1 for sanctions against the member, a newbie to the league, but it was vetoed by the Commish because the "witness was not credible" and for other "humanitarian" reasons. The investigation has been ruled officially completed by the Commish and has been sealed to protect the innocent.

Guido was upset after the meeting calling it a sham and a disgrace, but relented a bit later after his temper cooled a bit, noting that "our esteemed leader has spoken, and we should all submit to his authority."

In other, unrelated news, Guido Gonzales' contract was extended for two years by the Commish. "GG has done a fine job and we are lucky to have him," the Commish said.