Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Super Bowl Picks Chart

For members sharing computers with other members or to make multiple picks charts, go to the following link to fill out the Picks Chart


Or, copy and paste into your browser's search bar: 


Create your own user feedback survey

Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Prude Plows Into Another Ethics Violation

It is with a heavy heart that the Commish must once again sanction Jude the Prude for an ethics violation. In her dispiriting defense of her use of p--p, she feels it necessary to bring in the specter of contacting a lawyer for the assumed purpose of suing the league.

It clearly states in the Go Zone Rules and Regulations, section 10, subsection 8 that "No member may have legal representation during league investigations." Furthermore, section X, subsection 5 states "No member shall bring litigation against the league or the Commissioner without the Commissioner's expressed written consent." The Prude is in clear violation of the subsection 8 and appears to be contemplating breaking subsection 5.

As to the substance of her claim of innocence, the use of a kaka word is extended to any euphemism used to reference it. When one says p--p, everyone immediately thinks of its antecedent, namely s--t.

When members begin to throw s--t around their posts, it is time for the Commish to step in. (No pun intended.)

The Commish has always been a fan of Jude the Prude, but, absent any outcry from league members, he will soon be compelled to issue sanctions, pending Guido Gonzales' investigation, of course.

This crap has got to stop

It has become quite evident that the language of league owners has fallen in the mud. With much agitation from Omaha, which by the way is normal, poor Jude is being slandered across the country. Now I think Guido has more than enough on his plate now and adding this frivolous investigation will only lead back to Omaha as they all do anyway. Guido, just stay in your office, sharpen your pencil and plan your next vacation.
We have other more pressing issues in front of us. Granby is still stuck in his tree. Windsor Locks is looking for more blueberries at a frozen lake. King of the North needs to resurrect his picks game. Amy us too busy flitting here and there. Big Red is a Patriot-hater. Jo is starting a picks dynasty. Nick is having beginner's luck(that will fade away). Ryan has already faded away. Marc thinks the season just started. Luke and Brandy have been picking as a team(as you can tell the wrong teams). Sean has finally decided to be competitive. The Ghost is more than living up to his name. The Commish needs a new adding machine as he continually denies owners their proper points. Deland seems to be the only one soaring above all the nasty and inaccurate dribble-drab flying around this league of malcontents! So cut the crap!
I do hope the SAC will approve funds to pay for Big Red's psychological evaluation for that Steelers pick!
Guido, call Goodell. He needs a friend!

A poopy mess to all,

Friday, January 27, 2017

Bull Poop?

how do you define kaka words?   I think I'm being sabotaged . I have never used the word bull poop in my life.   Didn't big red use the H word in her post?  I'm getting a lawyer!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

What a disgrace

The use of such language by Jude is simply appalling!

I agree with Guido - we must investigate without delay!

And after all the facts are in, we must punish quickly!


Jude the Prude Engenders an Investigation

The Commish regretfully reports that Guido Gonzales has demanded an investigation of Jude the Prude for "language violating the by-laws of the Go Zone Football League." Section X, number 8 states "No member shall use kaka words in postings. Doing such will result in am investigation of moral turpitude."

The Commish accepted as evidence The Prude's use of the kaka word "Poop" in a recent posting. The Commish expressed his regret and frustration with league members. "Why don't they read the by-laws," he said. "All of this stuff could be avoided then."

Unfortunately, when confronted with the allegation, the Prude doubled down. "That is bullpoop," she said.

Conference Championships Results and Stats

Monday, January 23, 2017

Not a Stepford Wife

Yes, I can verify Big Red makes her own picks without any guidance from me.  Which, of course, explains her lowly standing in our league.

Her post looks like a 3-way love-fest between Big Red, The Prude and our formerly esteemed Commish. 

Poop for brains?

Okay, Frack!  I had that one coming.

However, in my defense, I was almost at the bottom of the heap and I knew our wonderful Commish wouldn't hold it against me for at least trying to get a few more points. 

That being said, I must address Deland and Omaha.  Neither of you should be surprised that I am not a "Stepford Wife" and I do decide these things for myself.  I will beat both of you one day.

LET THE WORD GO FORTH!  I have made my Super Bowl pick ON MY OWN and I pick the Patriots to kick the hell out of the Falcons!

Big Red


 Anyone who picked the Steelers over the patriots has poop for brains! Sorry Frick! I waited a long time for that .🤣

Sunday, January 22, 2017

An act of desperation

Now you know what I have to put up with, Deland.  Instead of behaving like a nice, obedient Stepford Wife, she defies my advise and makes a completely unacceptable choice.  It's the couch for Big Red tonight.


Conference Championships Picks

Somebody wake up the Commish

What's the deal?  Am I the only member who sent in his picks before the games began?

Wake up Commish!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Feeling faint

thank you so much commish for the words of encouragement...I am still trying to recover from the shock and despair my brothers (aka Midwest muck that somebody referred to him as) accusations against me have caused . My doctor says I will recover in time.

Jude the prude

Pickiing the Pats, Omaha, GG and Other Heresies

The Commish emphasizes that members can pick against the Pats in the playoffs without engendering official condemnation from the front office. While this is a Patriots football league, the sanctity of the playoffs and the heightened competition it entails requires a free hand to league members to best choose what benefits them the most.

Omaha in his latest diatribe accused the front office and his own sister and the saintly GG of collusion,  cheating and worse. He intimates that there was some quid pro quo between the Prude's expressed backing of the Commish and the ending of the investigation into the professional gambler in our midst. Obviously he didn't read or couldn't comprehend the official statement. The Commish clearly stated that the investigation being ended was other, non-related news.  Non-related, as in not related in other ways. 

He leveled the same charge against the very honorable Guido Gonzales, accusing him of selling his integrity for an extension of his position, even though the Commish once again made it clear that his job extension was non-related. The Commish suggests that Big Red slows down when reading the league post to him. He also questions the reality of GG's very existence. The Commish is flabbergasted that GG's existence could be questioned. He has an email address, a web page and many league members have actually met him. He also is present in many media images, such as the following:

In other, non-related news, Omaha has made one of his famous late minute challenges for the Chappie. It seems every year he charges late, even gets a lead, before stumbling in the Super Bowl. He is how in second place, edging out his sister the Prude in the standings.

And in a final unrelated note, members should be guided by the use of nicknames or real names in posts. Nicknames being used suggests that the information conveyed should be taken tongue in cheek. Real names should be used when the speaker wants to be taken seriously.

The Commish has spoken.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Conference Championships Picks Chart

For members sharing computers with other members or to make multiple picks charts, go to the following link to fill out the Picks Chart


Or, copy and paste into your browser's search bar: 

Create your own user feedback survey

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Division Championships Results and Stats

Jude The Prude Should be Committed & Other Observations

I hardly know where to begin.

Jude supports and campaigns for the Commish, who immediately declares an end to the investigation into Jude's alleged history of gambling activities including consorting with bookies to lay bets on NFL games.

And Guido, whose hard work and diligence in gathering incriminating evidence to Jude's wrongdoing, first criticized this egregious act by our over-rated Commish, then throws his loyalty and support to him.  How much was the pay raise, Guido?

And by the way, has anyone ever actually seen this mysterious Guido?  How many ghosts are allowed on this site anyway?

The innocence of our on-line watering hole known as The Go Zone has been shattered by the admission of Jude, who in one short year has forever tarnished our image of social purity. 

Gambling!  Corruption!  I shudder to think what lies ahead.

And what will we, the establishment minions, do about it?  We can sit back and allow the corruption to continue, or we can make the Go Zone pure again.

What say you?

The Patriot of Omaha


Jude the Prude Commits and Other League News

Jude the Prude has gone on record as supporting the Commish, now and in the future. "The Commish has been doing a fantastic job, and as our duly elected commissioner, he deserves our support for his present term and in his re-election."  The Commish welcomed Jude's comments and humbly made his announcement for another term as commissioner. "I am here to serve the League, to make it a truly great league and to protect America from Omaha and Deland," he said.

In other, non-related news, the investigation into professional gambling by a league member was completed with a presentation by Guido Gonzales to the Senior Advisory Council (SAC). He presented evidence including an eye witness (Omaha) and a reference to our football picks as "bets." The council voted 3-1 for sanctions against the member, a newbie to the league, but it was vetoed by the Commish because the "witness was not credible" and for other "humanitarian" reasons. The investigation has been ruled officially completed by the Commish and has been sealed to protect the innocent.

Guido was upset after the meeting calling it a sham and a disgrace, but relented a bit later after his temper cooled a bit, noting that "our esteemed leader has spoken, and we should all submit to his authority."

In other, unrelated news, Guido Gonzales' contract was extended for two years by the Commish. "GG has done a fine job and we are lucky to have him," the Commish said.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Wow.  Does anyone else feel the burning of sand in there eyes?

Volleyball Rules!

I recorded several volleyball matches this fall.  Knowing the rabid interest of the Go Zoners, I am making a list of those wanting a copy.

Just call 1-800-KISSOFF.

Yours truly,


Monday, January 9, 2017

Division Championship Weekend Picks Chart

For members sharing computers with other members or to make multiple picks charts, go to the following link to fill out the Picks Chart


Or, copy and paste into your browser's search bar: 


Create your own user feedback survey

Wildcat Weekend Results and Stats

Sunday, January 8, 2017

It's time

Kirk, that is a lot of meat! How do you get the squirrels to go up your tree? I agree, enough about this volleyball nonsense. It should be called kneepadball. Omaha needs to focus on something other than his sister being ahead of him in the pool. Devastating I am sure! Probably beginners luck or maybe it is the professional gambler status she carries. An internal investigation will be conducted with Guido's blessing. To be clear, the Commish has plenty of work ahead in the off-season. Finding the ghost is an annual event. Figuring out what happened to the King of the North. Sending Kirk to the how to pick winners school. This is the same school that Brandy has received multiple scholarships to attend. As for Jo, congrats on the Millie and the competition is on her heels! Best to all in the race for  the Chappie!

Out of my tree stand after a very successful year, bagged 3, gave one away and put over 140 lb in the freezer.
Unfortunately not particularly a good day, my daughter doesn't feel well and will no longer get up and get me a soda. Connie said NO about an hour ago as well. Dammm

I feel compelled to talk about some of the posts that have been made before everyone shuts their computers down and hibernates for the rest of the seasons.

Thank goodness we don't have to hear any more about that damm volleyball and see pictures of a phony stadium. ( oh and has anyone seen me in the arena?) you won't because the one he was at was the one where they truck in tons of sand, crank the heat up and the woman wear skimpy clothing.

Judy, I love you dearly! But I am begging you to save those I love you, I am so happy for you, blah blah bla conversation to your brother for the Sunday phone conversations.  This is a football blog.

Kevin, you are one hell of a husband. Making those pic,s for your wife and you picking teams you new had no chance of winning just to finish behind her is an incredible display of  ?. I did the same thing with my sister.
But kevin, it is time to step up to the plate and get this so call computer geek under control. When the of the queen of the north complains about a pic not accurately be logged- he always says (we) WE NOT I. Once again WE should be questioning him as to how may pic's he is  actually making.

Jo, congrats on winning the Millie award yet another year!
Huh. Reminds me of an Andy Rooney story  that he told on CBS and the Don Imus show.
Not sure if this is what got him fired or not, but let's face it guys.

 The readers digest version goes like this.
I love the looks of the beautiful woman that has well groomed  hair, whether it be short or long her hair completes the picture.
 I love butter, I put butter on everything. Potatoes, muffins, toast and all of my vegetables.

 But, there is something about a piece of hair being in butter that just isn't right.

 This is a football league guys not volleyball or  tennis! Time to man up and act like it.

 Kirks  comments from the  couch.

Hey hunny will you get me another soda.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Playoff Rules

For the members who have had a difficult time finding the Playoff Rules page, here are the Playoff Rules.

Playoff Game Rules:

1. Members will begin the playoffs with their total points from the season.

2. Each playoff pick win will add 3 points to their scores.

3. If the member's pick is the underdog in the game, 2 points will be added as well. The underdog will be determined by the Commissioner and identified on the picks chart.

4. The Superbowl winning pick is worth 7 points, with 3 underdog points.

5. In addition, there will be 7 possible additional points depending upon game statistics.

         Members will pick the winner of the game, but also which team will have the
a. Most Rushing Yards on offense
b. Most Passing Yards on offense
c. Most Completions on offense
d. Most penalty yards as a team
e. Most sacks on defense
f. Most turnovers on offense (a defensive turnover is called a take-away)
g. Most Passing TD’s

Wildcat Weekend Picks Chart

For members sharing computers with other members or to make multiple picks charts, go to the following link to fill out the Picks Chart

Or, copy and paste into your browser's search bar: 


Create your own user feedback survey

Monday, January 2, 2017

Congratulations to Jo

The Regular Season Championship goes to Jo, and somewhere Millie is happy. Jo's incredible year started strong with a 10-6 first week, good for second place. She was in second place until week 4 when implausibly a 9-6 week vaulted her into first place. (That week was a disaster for most members.)

She remained in first place for the next 5 weeks, before sinking to 2nd during weeks 10, 11 and 12. She regained first place on week 13 and held it throughout the rest of the season. Interestingly, she came in first only 5 weeks, but avoided that really bad week we all seem to get.

Congratulations to Jo, a worthy champion!

Week 17 Stats and Results

Sunday, January 1, 2017

It's Going to be Jo...or Judy

The picks for week 17 are such that there will be a race for the Millie between only Jo and Judy. Judy has five different picks (or "bets" as she calls them suspiciously) than Jo.

Jo has the Giants, Judy the Skins; Jo the Texans, Judy the Titans; Jo the Boys, Judy the Eagles; Jo the Cards, Judy the Rams, and Jo the Chiefs, Judy the Chargers.

Depending on who wins which games, the result will be a female wins the regular season.

Millie would be proud.

Seek 17 Picks