Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Week 7 Observations

1. Luke gained a point this week on the Ghost and is now tied for first place with 76. Karen continues to show her football acum by tying husband Wayne and Marcus to win the week with 12 points. She is only one point behind. Suffice to say that if she had stayed true to the Pats this season, she would be tied with Ed and Luke. But alas temptation is triumphant, and who can resist it when a fine team like the Bills, coached by the immortal Rex Ryan hosts the Pats? Except for the rest of the league, minus Deland (and what a wonderful phrase! Minus Deland, Minus Deland. It is delicious to say!).

2. Marcus continues his rise in the standings. Burdened with a poor start, he has put together some good weeks to climb to respectability. On the other hand, Sean stumbled to a 7-7 week. He can take solace in the fact that he is still ahead of Kevin, mired at 65.

3. Jo continues to be competitive, and her 9-5 week kept her in third place with 73 points. Wayne and Patrick round out the 70's with 72 each. Marcus is knocking on Heaven's door with 69, but the rest of the league is grim. To be 10 points behind half way through the season is daunting indeed. So many points to be gained, so many others who have to stumble. But hope is everlasting, and we soldier on, fueled by purity of spirit and the American Way.

4. In other news, the SAC voted to award Peg Grandmaison a 50 point gratuity, based upon Deland's impassioned proposal to welcome her well. It was passed unanimously, then vetoed by the Commish, saying he feared charges of favoritism from some of the less civilized of our members.  But Deland said Omaha was okay with it and then demanded an immediate veto override, and he prevailed. The Commish mumbled something about how he would remember this, but the points were awarded. The Commish then stated that he placed a codicil on the override that would leave it to him to decide if Nashua were to win the league.

5. The Pats have a tough Thursday night game this week, and members have already complained about the possibility that Big Red and Deland will once again abandon our beloved Pats. But the Commish has reiterated once again that it is not technically against the rules to pick against the Pats. In effect, there is nothing he or anyone else can do to stop them.