Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Picking and Re-picking

The league office wants to reiterate that it is doing all it can to make our picks charts reusable, that is that members can pick just the Thursday night game, then go back and pick the rest of the schedule. Despite using the option to do just that, our picks chart does not offer a second chance. Now, the IT department, headed by Guido Gonzales, will be putting an online link for members to use if they should want to finish their picks after picking Thursday. This should allow members at least two chances to pick their winners.

Also, members who want to dispute their choices as represented in the picks chart should write the Commish requesting a checking of their picks. The Commish will then oversee an investigation of the issue. If the picks chart is found to be accurate, he will instruct the IT department to send the petitioning member a screenshot of his or her choices as received from the survey monkey organization.