Sunday, October 11, 2015

Investigation into Omaha and Deland's Perfidy

The Commissioner has received disturbing information concerning the ever rebellious dual of Omaha and Deland. It seems that a computer glitch was actually caused by a hack directed by, if not performed by Omaha and Deland.

The Commissioner was approached by former head of IT Guido Gonzales, who brought forth information implicating Big Red and The Boss in the replacing of week 5 picks with a reprint of week 4's. As this would cause confusion and chaos, it could not and would not be tolerated. However, a cursory investigation cleared both fine woman and brought suspicion on their surly spouses.

The Commissioner then initiated an official investigation of the incident, after rehiring Mr. Gonzales and promoting him to Head of IT for Life.

The Commissioner also commended Granby for his investigative efforts and for his loyalty to the league. He was nominated for the position of Special Investigator for the league. If awarded the position, Granby would continue to ferret out conspiracies against the league, against the Commish and against humanity. He will have subpoena power.

On a further note, the Commissioner announced the SAC voted for provisional acceptance of Peg Arnold Grandmaison as a league member. The Commissioner released a photo of Ms. Grandmaison.

The Commish has spoken.